Camp Jobs and Chores

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Firstly I just want to say a huge thank you to @JorjaWhite023 for helping me design the trailer for this book! It's now up on my YouTube channel (DogsSox231) and I'll leave it up in the top bar for you all to take a peek at if you'd like!

Also, I'm very sorry about the switching between P.O.V's!!


"So Holly, Vanessa, Becky, Jamie and Kez, you will all be living together for the next few days in Snake Rock, and you can make your way down there now."

"Sorry guys." Kez apologizes, coming over to hug the remaining girls and Jamie.

"No, it's ok. You tried your best." Becky answers. Looking over the podium side, I spot Jack giving Iain some sort of man hug until he turns to look at me. A gentle smile where his teeth show and his face crunches. And a wave; he follows pursuit. After, he's gone.

"Let's go." Vanessa mumbles from beside me, and myself, Becky, Jamie and Kez all trundle down to our dreaded new living space.


Jack P.O.V

"I can't even believe they've gone." I shrug and mutter to Jennie who's walking beside me. "When do you think we will see them again?"

"I have no idea J." She answers. "You know they will be ok though right? I know Jamie will look after her. Holly is a tough cookie ok. She and the others will be back in no time."

"Thanks, Jen." I smile as Amir jokes about all of the girls being gone, and having practically a camp of male dominance.

"Nice to know myself and Shappi still exist!" Jennie exclaims, crossing her arms in extreme but sarcastic anger. "Oh my God! Look."

Following Jennie's gaze past the phone box, past the tall canopy of trees and landing on the brick sculpture of 10 downing creek. "What the?" I stutter, running after Iain and Shappi up into the shelter. With two single but rough looking beds compressed up against the wall, there is a small wooden bedside desk with a large machine on top. Gold old intricate detailing of rusted pillow cases and a flowery grandma-suited wallpaper matches the dirty plank flooring.

"Whats that?" I ask when the machine starts to echo an extremely loud noise.

"A fax machine," Iain tells me, ripping the paper away from the unmodernized printer.

"Iain." He reads, "as the camp leader and now the new jungle Prime Minister, you shall now pick a deputy to assist you. You and your deputy must assign chores for everyone in Crock Creek and Snake Rock, writing them down on the blackboard. You and your deputy will not be allowed to do any of the chores."

"So who's your deputy then?" I ask Iain. "Can I do it?"

"Yeah, sure! Why not!" He laughs, throwing his hands in the air and gazing back down at the paper.

"Let's go decide chores then," I say, swinging the door open away from the cool air and following a tired Shappi down the slanted hill. "We'll be back in a sec," I announce to the rest of the boy's in addition to Jennie and Shappi. Very shortly after, I follow Iain past the tree house and down to the creek.

Holly P.O.V

"This is so disgusting." I moan when being the first to enter the domain of Snake Rock. It isn't warm or welcoming at all as the only thing to be entertained by is a poorly carved tree stump where rests an old worn out radio. "So we're sleeping on the floor then yeah?"

"Yep." Becky huffs. "Iain is such a wanker."

To this, Jamie and I burst into fits of laughter when collapsing onto the muddy floor and laying on top of one of the mats.

"Is that the shower?" Vanessa points to a wooden contraption with a water bucket along one end.

Jamie clarifies "I think it might be. This won't be fun."

"Sorry again everyone." Kez huffs, sitting down beside me when I pat the empty space. Laying a hand on her shoulder, I tell her it's ok. With Becky plaiting her hair in the corner beside the bush, and Jamie messing around with some purple t-shirts laid out beside the radio, he chucks us one each and I slip mine on.

"You know, " Kez starts when she turns to me and slips on the purple cotton with her smiling face printed out on the front, "I wouldn't have split you and Jack up."

"He was a dick to do that." Becky sniggers, tying up her plait. "Like what an asshole!"

"Becky!" I giggle at her language. "And its ok honestly. I don't mind being away from him."

"You sure?" Jamie assures when coming back down beside us from the downgraded dunny. "Because you two are always together." Putting emphasis on the "always". "He literally talks about you all of the time, Holl."

"Whatever." I blush at the thought of his bright smile.

Jack P.O.V

"So, " Iain announces over a podium with a microphone to all of the Crock Creek campmates that have crowded around the fire. With Amir and Dennis sat beside me, we were listening to Dennis describe his awards from playing for Chelsea, until Iain thought it would be a good time to announce and reveal the chores everyone shall be doing.

With a loud anthem echoing over the speakers and through the radio that has been placed beside the podium, I jump up from beside Amir to stand next to the Jungle Prime Minister. "Good evening ladies and gentleman, boys and girls. It is your Prime Minister Iain here. I would just like to say that I promise to meet all of your needs and shall suit to everything that is mandatory! Now, as Prime Minister, myself and my lovely Deputy Jack have been given the responsibility of assigning all camp jobs and chores for both Snake Rock and Crock Creek. Hence, they go as follows. For Snake Rock, cooking is Becky, the cleaner is Kez, and for Crock Creek, the cook shall be Jennie and the cleaner shall be Amir! No other fellow campmates are allowed to assist these duties. Thank you very much for your time!"

Holly P.O.V

"Thank you very much for your time!" Iain rambles when finally ending his speech.

"He is gonna get on my nerves." Becky laughs as I'm sat here, re-doing her hair like we're primary school girls. "Like, what a bellend!"

Vanessa and I don't stop giggling through our little hamster-sized rations of rice and beans, or at least not until the ding dong of the radio sounds once again and we are called to listen to Iain's voice.

"Fellow celebrities of Crock Creek and Snake Rock. Hello! It's your Prime Minister here."

"Awh get on with it Iain!" Kez frustratedly moans from beside me.

"Tonight, there will be a head to head challenge between Crock Creek and Snake Rock. The winner of the challenge shall claim an edible treat for their camp tonight. Now as leader, myself and my deputy have picked the challengers for this trial named - 'have your cake and eat it' -"

"Cake!" I and Kez exclaim, rapidly sitting up from laying and gazing at the Australian sky. "We have to win this!"

Away From Reality - Jack Maynard - IM A CELEBRITY - COMPLETETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang