Worst Dates

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Oh we know!" Dec jokes, "but ok you two lovebirds, lets get to today's trial."

"Infront of us is a table which you will sit at, and in turn, we will bring out a meal for you both to eat for a star for camp. You both will be winning stars for the campmates tonight, all together instead of meal tickets. There are obviously 9 campmates, so 9 meals. Are you ready?"

"I guess." I murmur, walking over to the table and sitting opposite the gorgeous vlogger boy. Looking at me intently as I put one of the blindfolds beside my head, we both turn to Ant to hear what Jack's first meal is.

Jack P.O.V

"Ok Jack, the first meal is going to you, so can you slip your blindfold on please."

Taking the mask off of the table and slipping it over my eyes so I'm embraced by the ink black colour, Dec's voice and a slam of heavy wood on the table signals my food is infront of me.

"Oh my god." Hollys soft voice gasps. "The whole bowl?"

"Yep." Dec laughs. "Jack, you have blended fermented duck egg. Holly, you need to spoon feed Jack the entire bowl."

"That looks disgusting." Holly complains. "Oh no Jack babe."

"Oh cheers Holly." I laugh, letting my mouth hang open as a spoon hits my lips, and a rancid, rotten egg taste slides down my throat.

I gag, leaning over to the floor. Where I can't see, I can only imagine what this awful mix looks like.

"Ok Jack you're half way. It's soup, just nice tomato soup."

"It isn't helping!" I gasp, taking in another mouthful of the thick, bitty, fermented liquid. "Oh my god that's vial."

"You're done babe!" Holly screams in happiness as I take the last mouthful, and as I throw my blindfold off and look at the empty bowl, we both throw are arms in the air with delight.

"Ok, that's one star for camp. So Holly, it's your turn."

"You'll be alright." I reassure her when she slips on her blindfold. Feeling physically sick already from my own meal, I want to gag even more when seeing the bowl of beechworms infront of us.

"Ok Holly, these are beechworms. You have to eat 1 long beechworm."

"You're kidding?" She moans when I take a fork and pick through to find the shortest I can fine. "It's fine gorgeous, just a beechworm. Like spaghetti."

"Did you just call me gorgeous?" She laughs, opening her mouth when I stick the fork of the slithering worm in her mouth.

"Yeah but just chew. Chew chew chew swallow!" I chant, as she slams the table and lets out little gasps of air. Her face is priceless, scrunched up and red, but still I cheer her on for the food.

"Done." She gasps. "I can't believe we just did that Jack."

"I know." I high five her across the table, waiting for our next meals to come out.

After eating ostrich foot, some sort of anus, and trying to keep in the sniggers when Holly chewed on a fish eye, we reach the final plate.

"Ok. Now this last plate is for you two to share."

"Is it a cheeseboard?" Holly gasps.

"No." Ant laughs. As the plate is placed, a small cut baguette has been placed with bugs all over it.

"That's disgusting."

"There's a huntsman spider and a moth in there too."

Myself and Holly split up the bugs equally, waiting for the clackson to ring. "You have 45 seconds."

"Why do I get the spider!" Holly moans, slowly flicking it away from her as I stare at the moth I've been forced with. It's then the timer starts, and I place a handful of dead cockroaches and mealworms in first as it tastes a lot like cardboard.

"20 seconds, you're both killing it!" Dec says as I look over to see the legs of the spider hanging from Holly's mouth. "I'm never going to get a date ever again after this."

"I'm sure Jack will treat you." Ant laughs as I stick my middle finger up at him. "5 seconds."

Chewing rapidly on the moth, the wings are so hard to snap, and the timer rings just before I show an open mouth.

"Unlucky guys." Dec says. "But that is 8/9 stars. How do you feel?"

"Sick." We laugh. "That was way more disgusting than I thought."

"It looked pretty bad yeah." Ant says. "But now you can both go back to camp and share the news!"

"Awesome!" Holly cheers, getting up from her chair. Following her over, I walk with my arm around her shoulders as soon as we are out of sight of all the cameras and Ant and Dec.

"You know," She starts as we come up to the large rope bridge across the ravine, "That next time we go on a date, you better treat me to better food than that."

"Next time?" I ask. "What are you suggesting?" I tease.

"You're so annoying."

Walking down the muddy trail behind Holly, through the warm breeze back to camp, everyone seems to be asleep.

"Oh wow." She laughs. "Looks like everyone was excited to see how we did."

"Shall we wake them up?" I ask her, looking over as she stands with her arms beside her head.

"Shall we just tell them we didn't get any?"

The mischievous plan goes ahead. Myself and Holly shower, go to the dunny, bush telegraph, and finally, a peak from Dennis arises.

"Hey mate." He yawns coming and tapping my back. "How many?"

"None." I fake a miserable expression. "We forfeited."

"Why?" Dennis asks as Shappi and Jennie crowd around once they've both heard the news too.

"We just couldn't do it." I huff, standing from the log and making my way down to the creek where Holly has already gone. "Sorry."

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