A Dangerous Game

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"Thanks, J." She shivers, hugging her arms as I jog to grab my towel and lay it around her shoulders.

"Anytime babe," I tell her, bringing her slim frame into a hug. Patting down her back and burrowing my face into the top of her hair, my fingers play with the strap of her bikini when she pulls away from me.

"What was the hug for?" She giggles as we walk back over to our main sleeping area where Becky and Vanessa are laying, and by Vanessa's expression, it's obvious the trial wasn't successful.

"I just think you're great." I smile, taking her into my chest again and placing a light kiss on her scalp.


Holly P.O.V

"Come here." Jamie gestures from beside me. Earlier on, Jamie pulled his mat up beside mine, and we have been staring up at the sunset ever since.

Rolling onto my side to where Jamie has offered I lay and snuggling into the side of him where his arm drapes around my back, his embrace only reminds me of how Jack and I lay in his hammock.

"Thanks." He whispers to the side of my neck, as my gaze falls to the sky and the side of his nose lay on my shoulder.

"Huh?" I whisper back. "Thanks for what?"

"Having a cuddle." He smirks, wrapping me in his chest. It's peaceful and almost silent. With Jamie's heartbeat against my chest and my breathing slowly falling and rising, it's like our breathing becomes synced. Absolute peace and silence when I shut my eyes and start to doze off in Jamie's arms, with his nose softly against my neck.

And the stupid radio rings its anthem.

"For God's Sake Iain!" Jamie moans and the vibration travels down my neck. Stroking his head softly, massaging the back like I would a small child of mine, we all listen to Iain announce the next challenge.

"Celebrities. It is time for the next head to head challenge between Crock Creek and Snake Rock, Balancing the Budget." The Prime Ministers voice echoes annoyingly. Rolling over onto my other side, and Jamie pulling me back towards him so I'm the little spoon, his head buried in the back of my hair, Iain continues, "the celebrities chosen from Crock Creek are... myself, Dennis, and Jack."

The sound of Jack's name makes my heart thump when the image of him over-washes me.

"And from Snake Rock. Holly, Vanessa, and Kez."

"Oh brilliant." Vanessa shrugs. "I've already done one today so why the hell am I doing another!?"

"I don't know," I complain straightly until the last word, which I giggle as Jamie moves his knees so his waist is pressed straight up against my hips.

"Hey Holly, can we have a chat?" Vanessa urges, giving me that nudge that people do with their heads. Taking Jamie's hand and moving it away from me, I stretch and walk towards the dunny with her trailing in front. Becoming a little colder out of Jamie's embrace, I can feel his eyes following my body when I walk up and away.

"I think you might be playing a dangerous game here Holl." She explains, twiddling her thumbs and avoiding eye contact with my face. "Like you're here flirting and stuff with Jamie, but what about Jack?"

To this, I do actually take mild offense from the Saturdays Star, but I kind of guess what she's saying is true. "V, I just feel as if Jamie and I are both flirty people and we get along well, but you know me and Jack are on weird terms at the moment."

"Whatever." She shakes her head, dropping her toothbrush that she's been fiddling with the handle. I follow behind her as her words echo through my body, through each and every nerve as it's a feeling of guilt that annoys me.

"Come on Kez." Vanessa urges, gesturing for her to get up from the floor. Looking over Becky and Jamie, both eyes are placed on me. Jamie's, a look of happiness and pride. Becky's, like she's disappointed in me. Why is it a big deal?

Jack P.O.V

"Ok, so let's do this!" Iain chants as we all put a pace down to the trail clearing. We have to win this trial, as the final 2 care packages are up for grabs. "Let's do it!"

When we all reach the clearing, 3 perspex boxes are placed next to each other with partitions down the middle. "Oh crikey." Dennis laughs, scanning his eyes over the cursive writing on the laminate. "Celebrities, welcome to your next challenge against Snake Rock, "balancing the budget". In this trial, you must use the boxes to control the table in the middle box. When the table is stable, the person in the middle box must stack their coins as high as they can. The team with the greatest amount of coins balanced when the clackson sounds wins the trial. The final two care packages for Snake Rock are available if you win the challenge. You will find out the results of the challenge later on. Good luck."

Grabbing my pair of goggles from the ranger, I slip them over my head when entering the middle box. Two wooden flaps are on each side of the box; it is so microscopic that it's hard to even breathe.

When the clackson sounds, I'm sounded with Dennis and Iain's voice shouting over the boxes. "Do you have coins?"

"No," I shout back, looking around my empty box with a slodgy floor and holes in the ceiling. "Do you?"

"Yeah, here," Iain shouts back, passing and dropping many silver coins down the chute and into my box.

"Cheers." I collect around 8 coins from the floor. With the wooden table sides rising and falling, I try to balance the coins however the tray doesn't stop vibrating. "Dennis up a bit," I instruct. "Iain stop moving!"

"There are huge spiders in here, ahh, oh my gosh!" Iain shouts in fear, and his side of the wooden table starts to rock.

"Please, Iain! Concentrate!" Dennis screams back, obviously frustrated. Getting to around 6 coins high, many more coins fall down the chute to the side of me. Crouching down to pick them up, I look up, and catch the eyes of a colossal python staring back at me.

"Holy s***!" I scream, jumping back from the table as the snake forms an S-shape with its malleable body. "Stupid snake!"

Moving back again, and a few more screams across the boxes, it's only Dennis and Iain that seem to keep me going. "Come on man! This is for Holly and Kez."

Just after, placing around 15 coins on top of each other and milliseconds before the table splits, dropping the coins, the clackson rings.

"We did well guys," I confirm, looking at all the coins on the floor.

Let's just hope its enough.


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