Celebrity Cyclone

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"Can I?" I ask cautiously. "I don't think a girl has ever gone last."

"Will you be alright?"

"I'll be fine," I assure, high-fiving Jamie. "So, Iain, Jack, Jamie then me?"

"Let's do it." Jack nods as we all pull that Superman pose, doing a few laps around the fire before running down the pathway, the final 4, ready for possibly the best part of our jungle journey so far.


Holly P.O.V

"How cool is this!" I call in a breath, looking over the colossal clearing. A massive platoon of blue plastic is spread across the floor with 4 stars imprinted on. With fans and buckets of balls and speakers lining across the side, a huge pool of water at one end holds 4 stars. Next to that is a turntable with a black and white spiral. Right at the other end, a ramp with water held in a compartment at the top. "Hey boys!"

"Hello!" Dec waves. "How are we all?"

"Excited!" We all cheer, my eyes glued to the trial.

"How does it feel to be the final four?"

"Awesome." Jack comments, mesmerised at the sight of the trial. "This is what we've all been waiting for."

"Well, let's get you all started shall we?"

Giving a nod and a smile between the boys, Ant explains the usual rules. "This is Celebrity Cyclone. Now in this challenge, all you have to do is complete it before the 10 minutes are up. You will all start on the turntable. At the fireball, one of you will dive into the pool, grab 4 stars, and take them to the first marker. After that's been done, Dec will wave the flag, and the next celebrity will go and collect 3 stars and move to the second marker. The third celebrity will collect 2 stars and move to the next marker and so on. Obviously, you don't have to do the trial and you will end up going back to camp empty-handed. If you want to stop the trial at any point, just shout I'm a Celebrity, but we probably won't hear you!"

"So what order are you going in?" Ant asks.

"Iain first, then Jack, then me and then Holly." Jamie points.

"Well, a girl has never gone last before."

"Making history today." I joke. "I'm doing it for the girls!" Thinking back on the days Becky, Kez, Vanessa, Jennie and Shappi left, I know they'll be proud, doing this for the girls and all.

"Well, let's get you all in position then."

Walking down the muddy path, onto the tarp and slipping over to the turntable, we all end up stood facing outwards when the table begins to spin. "Good luck everyone, you're in position."

"Who gave them a megaphone?" Iain asks from beside me, chuckling as the table spins.

"Iain, you will go on the fireball, the rest of you will go when Dec waves the flag."

Waiting patiently, a rapid gust of heat fills the air, the red flame ball straining my eyes as it erupts, filling the wind with misty flames. "Go, Iain!" I call, watching him slip into the pool. Grabbing all 4 yellow stars, he takes them in a pile, trying his best to hold them when the fan blows the most of the cold water in his face. Climbing from the pit up the tarp, Iain immediately flips on his back, dropping one of the stars.

Away From Reality - Jack Maynard - IM A CELEBRITY - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now