'I Like The Way You Tease Me'

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Turning around the middle frame in the top row, it displays a hilarious picture of Amir. "The Strawberry Snatchers!" I snort with laughter, covering my mouth.

"Yes!" Amir punches the dark sky. "Thank god."

"Well done mate." We all congratulate Amir for immunity against the vote.

After Vanessa and Dennis have left, Amir and I tuck up underneath the sheets of the separate single beds, having a chat about the campmates and who will be first to leave, all before falling asleep to the sound of Amir's heavy snoring.


Jack P.O.V

"Good morning celebrities!" Dec cheers, walking into camp.

"Where are our friends!" Shappi demands from across the fire, pointing sneakily at the boys. "Where have you put them?"

"Everything will be revealed soon enough! However, we are here to tell you all which celebrity the public have voted to face, 'Grot-Holling'. So, in no particular order,"

"Iain, it's not you,

Kez, it's not you,

Jennie, it's not you

Vanessa, it's not you,

Becky, it might be you,

Dennis, it's not you,

Shappi, it's not you,

Jack, it's not you,

Which means Jamie, it might be you!"

"It is between Becky and Jamie. The celebrity the public have voted to face 'Grot-Holing' is... both of you. We will see you both at the trial clearing shortly."

Holly P.O.V

"The phone Amir," I spring up from my bed and roughly shake his side, trying my best to wake him up before skipping over to the phone vibrating on the stand. "Hello," I ask down the phone line.

"Holly and Amir. Becky and Jamie have been voted to face the next bush-tucker trial, Grot-Holing. You must pick either Becky or Jamie to join you, Amir, Dennis and Vanessa in Fright Club. During the trial, whoever you pick will have the chance to win an immunity key. They will then come to Snake Rock and stay with you for the duration of Fright Club. You must now decide who, Becky or Jamie, will join you."

"Who do we pick?" I ask Amir, putting the phone down and brushing my hair out over my shoulders. "Personally, I think that Becky should do it."

"I think Jamie, but whoever."

"I don't know, I just think Becky would be more likely to find the key, plus she isn't scared of anything."

"So, Becky?"

Dennis P.O.V

Walking up to the shower with my towel flung around my shoulders and my trunks on, I step up underneath the shower until a rusty noise sounds beside me. Turning, the red famous phone pops out the side of the creek wall, the wall falling away.

"Hello?" I speak, knowing I'll receive information about our next challenge.

"Dennis. Becky and Jamie have been voted for today's Bushtucker Trial. Holly and Amir have chosen Becky to join Fright Club. You must tell Becky about Fright Club before she leaves."

Jogging down the steps, ditching the idea of my shower, I catch Becky just before she's about to leave.

"Becky, let's have a chat?"

Away From Reality - Jack Maynard - IM A CELEBRITY - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now