Chapter 44

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Alex's P

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Alex's P.O.V (Her Outfit ^^)

I walked outside with Shawn, to update Jackson on what is happening. Jackson was in the middle of hammering a wooden gravestone, which has been carved and burnt with the initials "A. L." and a crescent moon. Sitting next to Jackson was a homemade coffin with Aiden's body inside. Stefan was inside with Hope and Hayley.

"Elijah called. Freya is doing a locator spell to find us. We need to leave. Now." I said and noticed that Jackson was digging a grave for Aiden. "Wait - you're burying Aiden here?" I asked him.

"We can't keep carrying him around forever. Just give me a minute to get him in the ground and we'll get out of here." Jackson said and sighed.

"You said that this is how wolves bury murderers and traitors. I know that Aiden was answering to my idiot of a husband, but he was loyal to the pack in the end! That's what got him killed, Jack." I said to him appalled.

"You don't think I know that? You think this is how I wanna..." Jackson said frustrated. He gestured at the grave. "... put Aiden to rest?" I looked at him sympathetically and rocked Shawn as he cooed. "I don't have a choice, Alex. You said it yourself, we gotta go." I shook my head sadly.

"It's not right. If we expect the wolves to put their lives on the line for Shawn, they deserve to know that those lives matter to us." Jackson nodded in agreement, and I sighed deeply as I thought for a moment.

"We'll take Aiden down-river, give him a true Crescent funeral." Jackson looked impressed and thankful for this suggestion. "Too much has been taken from our pack - I won't let them lose this, too." I said to him. Shawn continued to coo in my arms as Jackson walked over and pulled the grave marker he made for Aiden out of the ground.


I was still holding Shawn in my arms, as I walked with Jackson and the rest of the Crescents through the forest on our way down to the river. Hayley held Hope while Stefan was at the front telling them were to go and if it was safe.

Several of the men were carrying Aiden's coffin, and all of them are wielding melee weapons. Jackson and some of the others have a bow and a quiver full of arms, while others have axes, short swords, or machetes. While we walked, Jackson and I talked quietly.

"You used to run these woods when you were cursed in your wolf form?" I asked him.

"And before it. I was an angry kid - I was pissed we were exiled, I was pissed at my parents, pissed you and Hayley were gone..." Jackson explained.

"Every kid with the wolf gene is angry. I was a nightmare as a vampire. But I didn't know I was a werewolf until Klaus became a hybrid. With the curse broken, I started to settle down." I said to him. Shawn started to stir in my arms and whimper. I looked at Hayley and saw Hope do the same thing in her arms.

"Not me. I got worse. Of course, it was different - you know, when I triggered my curse, the Crescent curse kicked in, so I was stuck as a wolf all month long. One full moon, our Alpha didn't show up. He was killed. So, I stepped up. Protected these people, kept them safe, and that calmed me down... at least, for a little while." Jackson explained to me.

Suddenly, Hope and Shawn started crying loudly, clearly tired and unhappy, and Hayley walked over to us, looking stressed out. Stefan sped over thinking something was wrong with them.

"Are they ok?" Stefan asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, they're just hungry." I said to him.

"So, we need to stop and feed them." Hayley said to Jackson, and I nodded. Jackson and the other wolves stop walking and turned toward us.

"There's a hideout about a half a mile south from here. Grab some guys to watch your back. I'll round up the rest and we'll make a perimeter. This bayou is our territory, and we'll defend it." Jackson said to us. The wolves all split up and to started to set up their security arrangements, leaving a very worried Hayley, Stefan and I with Hope, Shawn, and several other wolves.


I was in the hideout with Hope and Shawn, who were playing in their playpen. Stefan and Hayley were outside, keeping an eye out. I was talking with Marcel, who was still at the Mikaelson compound, while I played with my children.

"So, after all that, Klaus wasn't even the one that killed Aiden?" I asked Marcel.

"Thought you'd wanna know." Marcel said. Yes, but I would have loved to know before I blamed my husband, aka the love of my life, for something he didn't do.

"Why would he take the blame? Because he's stubborn, and irresponsible, on top of being a complete and utter idiot?" I asked Marcel.

"You doing okay?" Marcel asked me concerned and I shook my head even though he couldn't see me.

"I just wish I didn't blame him. I mean I love him, despite everything he has put me through for the last few days." I said and Marcel sighed.

"Well you didn't know." Marcel said and I sighed. "But I have a feeling that's not the whole story."

"It's... the pack morale isn't exactly awesome right now. Jackson's heartbroken..." I looked over at a nearby wall, where "J.K., A.L., O.R., 2005" was carved into the wood and stood up. "Aiden was our friend." I explained to Marcel.

"You're a leader who cares for her people. I get it! Right now, you're a leader at war - now, you can either be their friend, or their queen, but you can't be both." I sighed. "Alright? These wolves, Jackson, Hayley? They'd die for you. Question is, are you going to let them?" I thought about this question, but remained silent. "If the answer's 'yes,' then you gotta live with that." Marcel said to me. I bit my lip anxiously as I continued to think about it.


"And speak of the devil." Elijah said as I walked up to them with Shawn, and Hayley with Hope. Stefan and Jackson were working together to keep Elijah away from me.

"Elijah. You shouldn't be here." I said with a sigh.

"We have another plan. Rebekah and Davina found a way. If we can replicate Shawn's magic, we can lure Dahlia into trap." Elijah said emotionlessly. I nodded in understanding. "After which, I'll kill her myself." Elijah, who had been glaring at Jackson and Stefan this entire time, finally turned so he can face me.

"All we need is a vial of Shawn's blood." Elijah said and I looked back at Stefan, who didn't seem to like this plan, but after a moment, I turned back to Elijah and nodded again.

"I'll give you his blood. I'm trusting you, Elijah." I said to him.

"And when we know Shawn and Hope are safe, you can return to where they belong - with family." Elijah said and I sighed. I saw Jackson and Stefan become even more unhappy upon hearing this statement, and continued to glare at Elijah.

"Well, then this plan works either way." I said to him and walked away.

"What does that mean?" Elijah asked and I turned to him. I laughed and walked back up to him a little.

"You just don't get it do you, Elijah? Their Mikaelsons and Salvatores. If we get to Mystic Falls they'll be with family, if New Orleans is safe they'll still be with family. Even right here right now they are with family!" I explained to him. "They belong here in bayou as much as they belong in New Orleans or Mystic Falls."

Protecting Them (Only His Series: Book 3) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now