Chapter 18 The End

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Sorry I️ haven't updated in soooo long. I️ just pretty much forgot. I️ got no other excuse. I'm also really lazy. So, enjoy the last Chapter.

(Y/N's POV)

     I️ open my eyes to see my ceiling, the sun was shining in and Jeff sleeping on the floor. Wait, what? I️ look down and see him sleeping and drooling on my floor. I️ kick him slightly. "Get up," I️ say.

"Five more minutes...." he groans.

I️ sit on the ground next to him, "Are we a thing now?" I️ ask him.

He sits up, "If you want to,"

"Hell yes!" I️ scream.

"Wanna go kill something to celebrate?" He asked me.

"YASSS" I️ yell.

We both run for our knives and head to the door but Slendy appears in front of us, "and where do you think you're going?" He asks me.

"Oh come on Slender! Pleaaaaase," Jeff asks and looks into Slender's non-existing face.

He sighs, "Fine, but be back at dawn," he said.

"Yay! Thank you!" We hug his legs and run off.

We hold hands as we sprint off into the woods and into the closest neighborhood.

We hop into one of the open window and sneak in. When we get in the only person we could see was an old looking lady who was to weak to open her eyes.

She was trying to knit but failing badly at it. He glasses were on the floor 3 feet in front of her so I️ knew she dropped them awhile ago since that were all shattered.

"Jeff, I️ can't do this," I️ said.

"Why not? Are you pitying her...?" He asked.

"NO!" I️ blush, I️ rarely pity people. Except Jeff.

He sighs, "Listen, we need to put her out of her misery. There is nothing we can do," he said.

I️ walked up to her, "Excuse me Ma'am, are you ok?" Jeff was whispering-yelling at me from the hallway.

"Yes dear, I️ am quite alright," she said sweetly to me.

"Sweet old lady, I️ apologizes for what I️ have to do to you," I️ rub her head which didn't have much hair left on it.

"It's quite alright dear," she said weakly.

I️ lift up my knife hesitantly, and stab her in the heart so it's a quick and painless death.

She fell the the ground, I️ don't know why but I️ began to cry.

"(Y/N), babe, it's ok," Jeff hugs me as I️ cry. I️ look outside and see it's already night.

I️ push Jeff away and quickly check my phone. 11:35, just enough time to make one more stop.

Just as I️ thought that slender appeared. He looked very angry.

He took us back to the mansion. "Do you know how late it is, children?!" He yells at us.

I️ bow my head to apologize, but Jeff didn't, "you expect her to worry about midnight when you haven't even told her what happens?" Oh, right.

He sighed, "Fine, I'll tell you," I️ got in position as if I️ was a little kid, ready for story time.

"We do this because if a creepy pasta is outside after midnight, they are taken away and we can never get them back," He said.

"Zalgo takes that away and we do NOT want to start another war, so if they are captured. There's nothing," he sighs.

"You sigh a lot," says Jeff.

"Wow Jeff, you just ruined a perfectly serious story," Jeff chuckles, adorable.

"Just, be aware," Slender says.

He then leaves and I️ walk upstairs to go to bed. Jeff follows me. I️ don't question it. I️ just, let it happen.

I️ walk into my room and lay in bed. Jeff lays next to me and kisses me on the forehead, "Goodnight," he says as he cuddles me.

"Goodnight Jeffery," I️ cuddle him back.

Sorry if that was not the ending you wanted ;-; it's Christmas break so I️ decided that it was a good time to write. Plus someone reminded me. About the ending part. I️ warned you in the description. Thank you for reading. Check out my other books! Night, I'm tired... Zzzzz.

Words: 693

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