Chapter 16 Denial and Curiosity

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(Y/N's POV)

"I don't know what you're talking about.... and what's a tsundere..?" I said trying to get out of an awkward situation.

"Don't play dumb with me," he said, I started sweating.

"WELL LOOK AT THE TIME!" I say sliding up my sleeve and pretending to look at a watch, "IT'S ALMOST MIDNIGHT. ISHOULDGONOWBYE!" I yell speeding off.

I run as fast as I can and then get back to the mansion. I breath heavily when I get to my room and lock the door behind me. Aw jeez...

I thought I could hide it longer.. but he found out... NO. I WILL NEVER LET HIM KNOW. EVER.

Wait... why am I even doing this to myself? UGH F MY LIFE. I scream into my pillow and then I look at my phone time. 12:14 A.M. I start to get curious of what happens if you go outside when it's 12.

I turn off my light to make it look like I was asleep,.I grabbed a backpack and put some supplies in it, and climbed out my window and down the mansion.

I walked into the woods and grabbed a flashlight out of my backpack. (Every time I write the word backpack I get reminded of how I'm dead inside and I have school tommorow) I started wandering around the woods and looked through trees.

I see a couple drawings nailed to trees of slender and of course that's normal. A few minutes go by and I still haven't found anything.

"Ha... I guess Jeff was just trying to scare me," I laugh to myself. I hear a noise of rustling bushes from behind me.

I quickly turned around and let out a loud "Who's there?!" I then start to hear static and I see slender... uh oh...

"(Y/N)?! What are you doing out here child?! You could easily gotten hurt if I didn't find you," he says picking me up and teleporting me to my room.

"You are grounded," he says to me, "What?! You're not my dad!" I say to him (Ayyyy).

"If you live in this mansion you're under my rules and I am the father figure of all creepypastas here. So do not argue with me young lady," he says to me and I roll my eyes.

He boards up the window and tells me "If this happens again you will never see your precious cell phone ever again," he then shut the door without slamming it.

I sigh and lay on my bed I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Sorry that this chapter is so short but I'm really busy with shopping for school and I'm supposed I got this much done. Thank u for reading. School is gonna suck tommorow :(

Words: 464

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