Chapter 4 falling for him?

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I woke up the next morning to see Jeff on his phone looking at YouTube. "Morning Jeffery," I say casually. I expected a reply but I didn't get one.

"Jeff I know you heard me," then I had a flash back to last night: 'Fine, I'll leave you alone if every night you're here you go to bed before midnight, deal?' "Oh...." I replied and walked out of the room.

"Oh (Y/N) there you are!" Slenderman says as he teleports to me. "Your room is ready," he says.

Finally I can stay away from that jerk, I'm happy... but. I can't help but feel a little sad. "Thank you! I'll start moving my things right now!" I walk back into Jeff's room and start grabbing my stuff.

He stares at me in confusion and I can tell he really wants to ask. I sigh "If you want to talk to me just go ahead," I say.

He still doesn't talk, I turn around "Oh my God Jeff I'm tired dog your shi-" I turn around and he's right in my face.

He pulls me close until our noses touch, (or what's left of his nose) I was a blushing mess, "Leaving so soon?" He smirks.

I push him away, "Jeffrey my room is ready so I'm packing up, don't distract me with your nonsense," I say.

"But you were the one that told me to speak, weren't you?" He asked chuckling.

I grabbed my stuff and scoff and walk out the door. I walk into my new room and set everything up. I hear Jeff's door slam shut and i growl. After that I take a nap on my bed.

(Jeff's POV)

I was sad that she's leaving, but I'll always see her again. She scoffed and walked out the door dropping something out of her pocket, I pick up the strange object and see its her phone.

I smirk and look into the hallway and see the coast is clear and then slam the door and turn on her phone.

Shit she has a passcode. After 10 minutes I got her password and look through her phone. I add my own number into her phone and send myself some pictures.

I look through it for 2 hours and a half. It was so entertaining before she walked in saying "Jeff have you seen my-" she just stares at me and I blush.

"Hi (Y/N)....." I awkwardly wave and handover her phone. She blushes blood red and starts "WHEN THE FUCK DID YOU THINK IT WAS OK TO LOOK THROUGH MY PHONE YOU SON OF A BITCH?!?!?!" She screams in my face.

Ben walks in with a face mask and a cup of coffee, "this is the second time this week, 3rd strike and I'm telling slender," he walks out and me and her look at eachother like 'Shit' and we split ways.

*time skip to 10 P.M.*


I go out on a murder 3 in a row an I look at my phone time and when I turn on my phone my lock screen picture is a picture of Jeff. I sigh and stare at the picture and giggle "He's such an idiot," I say.

I walk back to the mansion and I see Sally when I walk in, "Will you come to my tea party (Y/N)?" I couldn't say no to that face.

"Sure sally," She screamed, "YAYYYY!!!" She grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me into the bathroom and throws a dress at me "Get dressed now~" she says before she slams the door in my face.

(Jeff's POV)

Ugh, Sally invited most of the guys to the party. I wish she invited. I thought to soon, (Y/N) comes in blushing in a beautiful blue dress that a princess would wear.

I stared at her and she caught my eye and started again "UGH, WHY WAS HE INVITED?!" I see BEN stand up and walk out the door yelling "SLENDERMAN!!!"

Me and (Y/N) make eye contact again and we both run out the window and hide in a bush.

"This is all your fault" she whispered to me, "Are you kidding me? You are the one that keeps yelling," I replied.

We keep arguing until I've heard enough, I shoved her out of the bush but fell on top of her because I pushed to hard. We both were blushing messes and stared into eachother eyes. I wanted to kiss her so badly.

"They don't seem to be arguing, so sorry for interupting children," Slenderman says awkwardly and teleports away and when BEN sees us he starts laughing his ass off.

She looked at me and blushed even more and punches me. I got off of her and held my nose, it started to bleed.

She scoffed at me again and walks away blushing. BEN stops laughing and looks at me "Bad break up?" He chuckles.

Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for next chapter!!!

Words: 842

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