Chapter 14 a date?!

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(Y/N's POV)

     I woke up and I was in my bed. Was that a dream? I then feel a strong pain in my head and I lay back down. Obviously if I have a hangover that means it wasn't.

     I sigh. I hope I didn't do anything I'll regret later on when I was drunk. I couldn't remember much of the party.

     I get out of bed and walk over to my dresser. I open the middle drawer and grabs some pills. I close the drawer and walk downstairs while holding my head.

     I grab a glass of water and take 1 of the pills. I put the rest in a cabinet next to the fridge. I sat on the couch holding my head.

     E.J. starred at me, "Are you OK
(Y/N)?" He asked me concerned.

     I replyed with three words that explained it all.... "Party last night..." I say sighing.

     He nods his head, "So, how's your relationship with Jeff going?" He asks eating a kidney.

     My eyes popped, "W-What do do you mean Jack...?" I ask nevously.

     He looked at me. I couldn't see his face but I knew he was planning on screwing with me. He pulls out his phone and clicks on a contact saying 'Jeff' he scrolls up and clicks on a video Jeff sent him.

     Uh oh was my first thought. Think can not end well. My face started turning red as he hits play and grabs my face so if I wanted to turn away I couldn't.

     It started off with Jeff's face and he turns the camera to face me. I am sitting on the ground.

     He chuckles and then starts talking
"Interview with (Y/N) (L/N), Who do you who do you love?" He asks me.

     "Jeffrey Woods of course!" I yell. I can't believe what I'm hearing.

     "Who do you promise to go on a date when you're not drunk?" He asks me. NONONONONO DON'T SAY IT.

     "Jeffrey Woods!!!" I scream. GOD DAMNIT JEFF.

      "Who did you kiss and mean it?" He is so dead.

     "JEFFREY WOODS!" I squeel.

     He chuckles and then turns the camera off. I am in complete disbelief.

     E.J. is trying so hard not to laugh I can just tell. He let's go of my face and I'm so mad.

     "JEFFFFFFEYYYYYYY?!?!?!??!?!" I scream so even from the top floor he can hear me.

     I sprint all the way upstairs and slam his door open. He's holding his laugh in. "WTF DUDE?!?!" I scream at him and start stomping towards him.

     I pin him to the wall "Listen! Listen... I don't know what I did but I have a few ideas..." he says twiddling his thumbs playing cute.

     "Listen here Jeffery. I am not going on a date with you even if I promised you when I was drunk.." I can't look him in the eyes.

     He starts to chuckle and the grabs my arms and puts them down "I'm a lot stronger than you (Y/N)~" he smirks at me.

     I start panicing. "F-Fine. But this will be the only time!!!" I say crossing my arms.

     "Ok. Tomorrow then." He smiles in success and kisses me on the cheek. I give him a smack in the face in return.

     I stomp out of his room and I fall on my bed in defeat. I sigh and lay on my bed.

Thank you guys for reading this chapter! I'm sorry it was short but it's 2:36 A.M. and I am so tired. NIGHT GUYYYYYS LOVE YA :D :D :D!!!

Words: 600

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