Chapter 12 The Party

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(Y/N's POV)

     It was Monday and I noticed Jeff was not here. Hmmm.... I looked out my window and opened it. He was still outside.

     "Jeff?! What are you doing still outside?! Aren't you hungry?" I ask him.

     "You told me to stay outside till I learn my lesson, I'll never learn my lesson. I'll always think you're pretty," he said rolling in what's left of the grass.

     I sighed and walked outside my room after getting ready. I grab 2 poptarts and a box of my pocky.

     I walk to Jeff and help get him up. I hand him the poptarts and he eats them "Thanks," he said getting up.

     We start walking to school together while I eat my pocky.

(Jeff's POV) We haven't had one of these is awhile :P

     We were about half way to school when an idea hit me. I chuckled to myself so she wouldn't be able to hear me.

     When she put another pocky in her mouth I said "I want one," and turned her around and bit the other end.

     She then gave my a glare but somehow blushing while she's glaring? She bit it in half and said. "If you wanted one, you could have just asked," she smirked at me and shoves one in my mouth.

     This girl is good.... We get to school and everyone just stares at us like usual.

*time skip to lunch cause I'm lazy*

     I sit at the table with the guys and put my feet on the table. "Hey jeffery, you going to the party homie?" One kid named Sam asked.

     "What party?" I say with my mouth full of pocky.

     "The one at Audrey and Andrew's place. They are lit partiers," he says, "here I'll send you the address, invite anyone you want," he says pull his phone out and texting me.

     "Alright I'll see you tonight then," I say finishing my pocky.

That's the 2nd chapter for today and I'll write the party chapter soon. I also put in all the titles for the chapters.

Words: 347

Jeff The Killer x Tsundere reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now