Chapter 8 Realization

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(A/N) It is exactly 3:38 and I'm on my way to Florida so I'm kinda in that faze. So if I write anything weird in this chapter you know why.

(Jeff's POV)

'I'm playing hide and seek with Sally, Lazari, (Y/N), and E.J. I've been hiding for like 3 hours now.'

'God damnit now I'm gonna get hungry so I'm gonna have to quit.' I get up out of under the rock and start walking back to the mansion.

E.J. then pop put from behind a rock and screams "BOOOOOOO!!!" In my face.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny." I replied. He got up and sat on the rock. "You know you guys are assholes," I tell him.

"Oh you can say that to me but you can't say it to your girlfriend or 2 little girls?" He smirks at me.

"Girlfriend?" I ask with one brow raised. 'Oh... I know exactly who he's talking about.' I thought to myself awkwardly.

"(Y/N) obviously, I saw you guys at the Christmas party. She's so interested and there's no sought about it you like her too. Listen here, I'm not any kind of love expert but she is obviously a tsundere," He tries explaining to me.

"A what?" I ask tilting my head.

"A tsundere, that means she likes you and she thinks it's your fault she feels that way. So she tries her best to keep you away from her," he explains again.

I just blank stare at him, "Hey man listen. I hear Lazari coming so uh... I gotta... bye!" He speeds off.

All I can think about is 'Is she really a tsundere?' I keep blanking out and next thing I know I walk into the mansion.

I was so deep in though I couldn't hear anyone talking to me until I got a slap to the face. "HEY! I talking to you!" (Y/N) screamed in my face.

I squinted my eyes at her "Are you a tsundere?" I ask her. She looks at me, shocked and backs away.

"N-No! What even is that?!" She blushes as she run upstairs and into her room.

"Hmmmm...." I hum.

(Y/N's POV)

'I can't believe he thinks that. How does he even know what that is?! (Gasp) do you think he's a weeaboo?!' I was sweating. My worst nightmare was coming true.

'I don't have feelings for him. I don't have feelings for him. I don't have feelings for him. I don't have feelings for him. I don't have feelings for him .I don't have feelings for him. I don't have feelings for him. I don't have feelings for him. I don't have feelings for him. I don't have feelings fornhim.' I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling.

I then quickly sit up when I realised it... "I DO have feelings for him..." I whisper to myself.

'This isn't good... I can't keep this to myself. I need someone I can trust,' I think to myself.

Thank you for reading! It is now 4:11 A.M. and I'm exhausted. If you're interested in my trip to Florida or my life in general them add me on snap chat: RosaGalixy. I know I spelled Galaxy wrong, and last but not least. Thank you for 100 reads!! I'm so happy you actually read one of my books! 8P

Words: 565

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