Chapter 3 Getting to Know them

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(Y/N's POV)


I woke up in the morning to see a read shining digitsl clock that turned off by its self reading: 11:57 A.M in my face. I was in Jeff's bed and he was sleeping in mine. Is he an idiot?! I just tried to ignore it and I walked out into the hallway, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. The fragrance in the air smelled of bacon, eggs, and poptarts.

I sat in the living room distracted by the smell, when I snapped back into reality I saw Jeff staring at me like he's been trying to talk to me for awhile.

I blush of embarrassment and then he chuckles and smirks at me before walking away. Is he asking for a death wish?! I growl to myself and someone sits next to me, I assume it's Jeff so I smack them in the face, "OWWWWW JE-SUS!" He yells, I turn to see a man in a blue mask with black tear details.

"I am so sorry! I thought you were Jeff," I try to assure him I didn't do it on purpose.

He sighs, "It's alright, you just hit really hard. Guess I saved Jeff from that one," He fixes his mask and gets up to go get breakfast.

I follow him, "So what's your name?" I ask curiously, "It's eyeless jack, or e.j. for short," he replied to me.

E.j. grabs his break fast and I went to grab mine but Sally attached to my leg and robbed me from my poptart. I sigh and Jeff sets another poptart on my plate, "I don't want your charity," I said coldly while placing it back on his plate.

"Oh come on (Y/N)! I know you want it~" Jeff says waving it in front of my face, my face heats up a little and I snatch it out of his hands "F-Fine I'll eat it stupi-" Jeff grabs my wrist.

"Snatching isn't nice," he said with creepy eyes. "Whatever, who cares anyways?" I replied coldly once more and left him stunned thinking I would be scared and apologize.

I eat my breakfast and I train until 9:37 P.M. I was going for midnight but then Jeff showed up. "Hey, just saying you should probably get to bed before midnight," he said.

"You're just trying to scare me, trust me it won't work. I've been to hell and back," I reply, "Can't you just leave me alone?"

He sighs, "Fine, I'll leave you alone if every night you're here you go to bed before midnight, deal?" He asked.

I smiled as I heard the word 'alone' and replied with "Deal," we shook hands and I headed back. I was way far out in the woods so Jeff walked me back.

By the time we got back it was 10 P.M. and everyone was getting to bed, Jeff went to the room without me and someone grabbed me by the hand and spinned me around.

"Are you and Jeff... erm... are you guys... a. Thing?" Sally asked me cutely.

"What...? Of course not," I replied casually.

"That's what they all say," Sally says before leaving to her room leaving a weirded out me behind. Wtf kind of little girl asks questions like that? Are cooties still a thing? Someone teach this girl about cooties.

The word cooties reminds me of cookies and now I'm really hungry, I ate the last of my blue sugar cookies tonight and now I'm upset :(

Words: 593

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