One Single Moment

Start from the beginning

"You weren't just a contract to me".

"At that moment I was less than a contract, I felt insignificant to you! So yes, I went on some shitty dates!"

A binging sound came on followed by the pilot," Welcome to London folks, we'll be beginning our descent into Heathrow Airport please take your seats".

I moved passed him to sit on the other side of the plane. Honestly, what did he think I would be doing? Did he think I was just going to join a nunnery? And cry my eyes out over him every night? At some point I had to move on and get stronger. My whole world couldn't stop for one person, I could never have known his true feelings, if he felt that way he should have made contact sooner. .

We both sat in silence; we never really talked about what we did during our 'break'. Staring out the window I decided to break the silence, "Is it so bad, I wanted to put you out of my mind. Forget the pain and just be me. I was so mad at you".

"You didn't wait for.. For--" he couldn't even find the words.

"Wait for what? You said we were through – your actual words were... Your father's debt is paid, I don't need you anymore. We had a deal nothing more. I played that moment over and over again in my head thinking I did something wrong. But it wasn't me, it was you. I was ready to fight whatever came our way, together. Then you broke us. If you can't handle the truth, that's your problem".

He stared at me, and even though were only 5 feet away from each other it might as well had been an ocean between us. Why were we fighting over this? I forgave him, we live together now.

I forgave him, but I never forgot.

Deep down inside I knew why, Adam would never see me as his partner or equal. Why should he? I am just the girlfriend / Show wife when needed. How can I compare to the great Caffery name? The Drug Lord. We work great together when I stay at home, teach Kairi and cook. Anytime I step out of that role we fall apart. I want to fight the world with him. He has the weight of the world on his shoulders and I want to help him with it.

The plane had landed.

I started, to say "I think we need to--"

"I don't want to fight, Jennifer. Can we do this later?" He said.

"Sure, whenever it's convenient for you." I got up and walked to the back of the plane; I turned back around and saw Adam leaving the plane. Our eyes met for a second and in that one single moment, we both knew we were wrong. Wrong for letting our tempers get the best of us, wrong for letting our strong-willed natures win. Wrong for not considering the others feelings. Just for a moment and then it was gone. I continued walking back to Danielle and Michael who were sitting in silence.

Danielle started to apologize, "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to bring up--" I held up my hand and dismissed it.

"You didn't do anything wrong, in fact I should be thanking you." I reached into my purse and handed her the credit card Adam had given me." Thank you, Danielle for showing me my worth". Smiling at her I said," You should go have fun in London."

"Ummm, thanks", she said.

"If you hurry you can still ride in the car with Adam", I said wanting her to leave the plane; she took the hint.

As soon as she was out of earshot I turned to Michael and said, "I want to go to Culiacán, now", I said sitting down next to him.

"Oh see I don't think that's a good idea now. You can fight with my brother all day and nothing will happen. But, I really don't like getting punched so I think you should stay in London. Or we could go back to Paris..."

"You can take me to Culiacán or I can go find Trey. The choice is yours". I was bluffing I would never endanger the family.

"You wouldn't do that". There was clear concern in his voice.

I lean forward and looked him dead in the eyes," Adam just called me a whore and a bitch. I'm. Not playing". That got his attention; he stared at me waiting for me to waver. He was weighing his options. When he remained silent I got up and pulled my cell phone out pretending to call Trey.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Michael asked.

"Calling Trey", I said walking away.

"Wait, wait! We'll go! Just give me a minute. Please, just wait", he pleaded.

I hung up the phone, "No funny business, Michael I mean it".

"Fine! God damn, Adam always pick's the crazy ones". Michael went and talked to the pilot and came back and sat next to me. I pushed him in a corner I felt bad about that, but I was still going.

"Why Culiacán? Why the interest in the trade? You wanted to go before that fight, why? Why volunteer to go somewhere where the Narcos will think nothing of raping and killing you?" The plane was taking off.

"To be honest, it's the one thing Adam will never talk about with me. I never found it fair. I accept him for everything he is. But, he's trying to put me in a box; one that he says is safe. Being ignorant to my surroundings will get me killed, I am not like all the other drug lords wives; I'm too smart to just be ornamental and a baby maker. I want to be his partner but Adam will never let me unless I make him see me as competent. That starts in Culiacán".

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