Request - Christmas Love

Start from the beginning

"So how long have you too been together?" His mother asked.

Well, nevermind then.

"A couple of months now," Tyler said, glancing back at Bryce and smiling at him. Bryce smiled back, albeit a little nervously

"Tyler, where are you from? I'd like to know a little more about you, if you don't mind me asking," his father said, leaning forward.

"Well, what can I say? I'm from Indiana, and I'm a car guy, a dog guy, and a video game guy. My friends piss me off half the time, but hey, it's not the end of the world."

"Was Bryce...?"

"No, not at all. Bryce is a sweetheart most of the time, if not always. He's the one that usually keeps me from blowing my top off."

Both Tyler and Bryce were surprises by his words. Tyler wasn't expecting that to be so truthful, and Bryce wasn't expecting such nice things.

No further questions were asked (thank god, Bryce thought. He didn't think he could handle another question about their "love life" or anything else).


After dinner was finished and the dishes were put up, they had decided to watch a movie. Neither of them really payed attention to what movie it was. They were more focused on how close together they were. Bryce's father and mother decided to take a majority of the couch, leaving barely enough room for the other two (Bryce swore they were doing it on purpose).

Bryce was practically sitting on Tyler's lap because of it. Tyler wrapped his arms around Bryce, and Bryce began blushing. Tyler did that as an almost automatic move, like this was normal. Tyler was an amazing actor, Bryce had to give him that.

Tyler rested his head on Bryce's, sighing. He then kissed the top of Bryce's head. Bryce froze, and blushed even more. His parents saw and aww'ed quietly, looking over at the two.

"They're so cute," his mother whispered to her husband.

"Martha, stop cooing over them and let the boys be; I'm sure they can hear your constant squealing over here." She rolled her eyes and lightly smacked his shoulder, but she stopped talking about the boys.

By the time the movie was over, Bryce was passed out. Tyler was close to passing out, but he wasn't there yet.

He didn't bother moving from his spot for multiple reasons. One, he was super tired. Two, he didn't want to wake Bryce up in the process of moving them both to a bedroom. Three, Bryce was clinging onto his for dear life. Four, he was pretty comfortable where he was. And five, Bryce's parents must have thought Tyler had fallen asleep too, because they put a blanket on top of them.

So he just closed his eyes and dozed off.


Tyler was the first one to wake up. His nose was the one that woke him, as he smelled something delicious coming from the kitchen. He yawned, and that's when he realized that Bryce had snuggled up to him in his sleep, and now his head rested below Tyler's. Tyler chuckled, and tried to nudge Bryce awake.

After about ten minutes, Bryce woke up. He yawned and cracked his eyes open, only to close them, groan, and bury his head into Tyler's chest. "Morning sleepyhead," Tyler chuckled.

"Morning," Bryce mumbled. He sighed against Tyler's skin before lifting up his head. Tyler chuckled again, finding Bryce's slightly dazed look amusing.

Bryce blinked multiple times, getting his sight cleared up. He realized the position they were in and blushed as he hurried out of the spot. "I, uh, sorry," he apologized sheepishly.

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