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Last chapter 😭 Don't worry, the sequel shall be coming to you soon 😊 @ErinSwann

Zach POV

Cammie is gone. We have no clue where she is and now their leaving, and so are we. Us Blackthorne boys, before we even find her. Apparently our school is also in jeopardy or something of the sort. The Gallagher Girls are going to some academy in the United Kingdom. Mr Solomon will be staying behind till he finds Cammie.

Everything is happening because we can't find CAMMIE. Bex is frustrated to go to another school. Everyone has their own bets. Mine is that she'll probably make an enemy on the first day whilst Grant says that she'll only make one in the second day.

People are also betting on how quickly she'll be sending someone to hospital. Others say that Liz will be first with her clumsiness.

Macy won't be going because she is stuck with her parents doing a campaign. She is going to the academy a week after everyone else.

I zip my suit case close and put it by the door. I decide to quickly visit Mr Solomon.

I go down a few passages. Before I find where he's been staying.

I knock on the door and, soon enough, it opens for me. I enter to see Mr Solomon frustratedly pacing around the room.

"There is no trace of her. Not a SINGLE one. The CIA are on the case and I feel..." he starts saying before he sits down onto his bed, his hands running through his hair," I feel useless. Almost as if I failed her father."

He looks up to me and I see the forlorn in his eyes. The way they glitter from tears and the way they seem to.... calculate?

"If... no, when we find her, I'll call you straight away. I promise." He says, his eyes staring dead straight into mine. I just nod, my mouth unable to form words.

"Can we, can we just agree on something, sir. There is.... there is a chance that we'll find her." I say, my voice coming out as weak but right now, I don't care.

"There is always a chance that we'll find her. Dead or alive is the question." Mr Solomon says. As he says it, his face goes into a forlorn look. I know how and why but I still can't accept it.

Macy POV

I can't believe I have to go to a stupid thing with my family. At the moment Bex and Liz and even me needs all the support we can get. My parents won't be able to give that so, either way, right now? Life sucks.

I look out the window. At the foliage and how tangled it all is. Tangled just like my life.

"I don't like this anymore than you do, Mace, so, please, let's just accept this fate." Bex says, her eyes are red and puff from tears.

This is the weakest I've ever seen her.

Cammie POV

I watch as they drag James out the room again. Soon, they'll bring him back, worn and bloodied and will take me.

Same routine every day. The only problem being that the torture? The torture is unbearable.

I guess, in times like these, our best bet is to live. To, one day, see the light again. But, oh, how that'll burn my eyes.

I heard from one of the guards that the Gallagher Academy are going to a school in Scotland.

Safe house.

Safe from them.

Safe from me.

As I think about that I know that soon, I'll be there with them.

Wait for me, guys. I'm coming.

And done! Don't worry, the sequel will have longer chapters, bye!

Gallagher Girls-Get back at youHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin