Let it go

843 16 5

Zach POV

I sit in my chair at the hospital and lean backwards. I slowly breath in and out, waiting for Cammie to awake from her nap.

I tilt me head to the chair next to me and see Josh, typing away on his phone. He's watching Cammie also but he's also staring at his phones screen.

My head leans back onto my chair.

"Josh, what have you done." I whisper to him. He suddenly looks up from his phone and stares at me, dead into my eyes.

"You know what it's like to have parents in the Circle. Your just lucky you have one. I, sadly have a whole family full. So just let it go!" He says and my head bends down in shame at his words.


My hands are cut, scraped and numb but I still punch the worn down punching bag. I then decide to start to kick it. I practice my round house kicks and my cat stances. Acting as if it's me against the bag. Finally, after a long while, I punch the bag hard enough that it swings full off its rope and lies limp and dead in the floor.

I then go outside to do some laps on the field. Some as in 20.

I notice a car parked outside the school around my fifth lap. I see it again and again until on my last lap, I finally run outside the school grounds. I run to the car and wine I reach it I  start banging on the window and suddenly, somebody walks out.

"Hello, Bex." He snarls at me.

"Who, who are you." I say, stressing on the word 'are'.

"Someone," he says, pulling out a knife from his pocket," I'm sorry to say this Bex, but you're coming with me." He says.

I take a fighting stance and use my round house kick to knock the knife out of his hands. Once that's done, I wait for him to throw the first punch.

Before I know what's happening, somebody comes up from behind me and throws a sack over my head. They then tie the bottom so that I can't escape. They throw me into the car and I slowly wait for the drive to finish.

Sorry that it's so short, but something just came up so I had to end it there.

Well... bye!!!

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