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Okay, before you start reading the chapter I'd first like to say that I'm SORRY for not updating for a while.

Second of all, there will be a sequel, or more. I am conjoining books with @ErinSwann so I recommend you read some of her books also 😊

Lastly, this book is coming to a close so that the second book can take place. The second book will be WAY better than this one, and I'm introducing a few characters from @ErinSwann 's book that'll be in our joint sequel.

Have fun!!!

Cammie POV

I wake up. My eyes scan my surroundings. All I can make out is darkness.

I wait for my eyes to adjust to the dark, until then, I'm weak to any prey that may be upon me.

My thoughts slowly travel back to the Gallagher Academy. My home, a place I have no idea what to do about. Their probably looking for me. Thinking that I'm stupid for giving myself up like I did.

But, I'm not.

If I didn't give myself up we would've all just been taken! I guess that this is what I deserve, utter nothingness.

My eyes shut closed. Too scared to let themselves adjust. Too scared to see what prison I've been put in.

"Well then, I guess I have a roommate." A voice says from the other side of the room. I open my eyes and look up. My eyes now quickly adjust to the dark, they just stare into the pools of a man's eyes. He looks to be about twenty-one.

"Well then, I guess I'm stuck here for a while." I say, scanning over the rags of clothes he has on. By the looks of it, he's been here for a couple of years. His body looks famished and long strands of hair frames his face.

He chuckles. His voice sounds scratchy and scarce, as if he's dehydrated. Then, and only then do I realise how hungry I really am. And thirsty, definitely thirsty.

"I'm James Wyatt Carter, and you are?" He says. He doesn't do anything though. His body must be to weak to do something as meagre as shaking hands.

"Cammie, you can just call me Cammie." I say. I don't want to give away my identity, even though we seem to be in the same predicament.

He smirks. I guess that we're more alike than most would think. He was probably like me, heading towards being a spy. Maybe that's why they've got us, otherwise, I wouldn't know.

"Why are you here?" I ask, and only afterwards do I realise how weird and personal that must be. There could also be a high chance that he doesn't even know why, just like myself.

"They say I know something, but I don't know what." He says.

All of a sudden, my mind flashes back to a memory. A not so long ago one.

Josh came back.

I disappeared.

I woke up in a coma.

The time in between was supposedly forgotten but suddenly, a memory looms through.

"We know you know, so just tell us!!! It's not that hard!" The man who's been torturing me for the last few days says whilst whipping my back. I feel the creases of skin and blood appear on my back. The way they hurt. The way they remind me of the fact that I'm useless.

And then I remember, I remember that little piece of information and....

It ends there. My mind tries to gasp for the information, but the arms stretching out in the insides of my brain can't find it.

"Me too." I whisper and James nods.

"What do you think you'll miss most, whilst being here?" James asks me. It's a bit personal but I think for a little. I REALLY think. My mind thinks of everything.

My mom.

My friends.


But my mind lands on a specific person. A person presumed dead.

"My dad." I say.

Even though he may be dead, unlike my mother he always knew how to calm down. He'd know how to get out of this situation and he'd know how to get back my memories.

"What about you, what have you missed most?" I ask James. His eyes flash, as if on a different memory and then his eyes flash on pain. He doesn't even think before answering.

"My sister, I've missed my sister the most." He says and a single tear slips down his cheek.

"What's your sister's name?" I ask.

I wait for the answer. It's almost as if he's pained to say it, but he does. He forces it out and his vice sounds so strained, in such a way dehydration couldn't achieve.

"Gabriella Nina Carter."

Short, I know, but there is probably only two chapters left before the sequel!!!

Again, sorry for taking so long.

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