I think I am becoming mini Bex

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I think that is should get Bex first, considering that she is the best fighter out of all of us, she'd protect us the best. Also, I really don't want to kill anyone. Considering it is my future line of work, my stomach just drops at the thought. 

Suddenly I hear the sound of a drill. Coming from Bex's room. I hear screams and I know that i can't wait around anymore. This is a life or death situation. I crawl off the mat, tip toe towards the room, 'B' and wait by the door. My hands start to tingle as I reach over for the handle and curl my fingers around it. I know that my friend is in there but honestly, I am scared. 

In one big rush a pull the handle and open the door, just enoigh for me to see through and shoot through. I aim for the heads, I admit it. My body is filled with adrenaline and I pull the trigger at the first person I see. Don't worry, I made sure that they weren't Bex. The gunfire goes off and soon, well, there is a dead guy lying by my feet. 

I aim for the other two guys and soon they are dead. Before any of the other men come, I shut the door and lock it. I run towards Bex, whom is chained to a chair, and untie her. Once she is free she runs for a gun and we head out. We look at each other, she nods and we both know what we have to do. She heads towards M and I head towards L. I do the exact same thing as last time, as in getting the door open. The same trembling fingers and the same swoosh. Yet, this time, I'm faced with a barrel to Liz's head. 

"You shoot, we shoot." The man says. He is the only other person in this room. He smirks and another man comes up behind me with Bex. Another follows suit with Macy and I'm trapped. Either I get tortured or all my friends will be killed.

At least I was a mini Bex for a moment.

"You can have me, just. Just let them go."


After Cammie saved me, I din't want to let her leave my sight. I knew that they were after her, instead i let her go. I went to Macy's door and looked at Cammie. She had opened the door and was looking around in shock. MY split second of not concentrating on my doings, I ended up getting a gun to my head. Macy was there too.

Now, well, now I stand watching Cammie sacrifice herself for us. I watched them leave with her and we were escorted out. Once the last of those... men had left, we run. We run to the only person we think we can trust.

Mr Solomon.

"Sir... sir, they've got Cammie." We say as we enter the room.

"Who's got Cammie!" Zacg's voice booms through the room.

Dammit, Zach is here. Should've waited a little. No, that is even worse. Some people have Cammie and we need to get her back before we find her dead in a ditch!

"We... we don't know. We were taken and Cammie found us. They wanted her more than they wanted us. So, well, uh, she, uh, she exchanged herself for us." Macy replies.

"Take me to where you were taken." Mr Solomon asks.

"We, uh, we don't know sir." I say.

"Actually do. I attached a small camera to Cammie. It broke during the fall, but we can find to where we were taken." Liz says.

Soon we all end up following her.

after we hit the mattress, Zach is the first one standing up. He runs and looks at all the different doors. His fingers fun across the edges. He is absolutely transformed. He worries so much for her.. it, it is breathtaking. But, enough of that, the last thing I hear before I faint.

Yes, I faint. 

Is Mr Solomon muttering a few bad words under his breath and Liz falling besides me. 

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