Sobs and missing people

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Hi, it's me and it's my b-day today! Yippee! So here's the chapters I have promise you all.

And I absolutely love this song so enjoy!

Oh and I think that you can guess who I was talking about last chapter!!!

Cammie POV

"Well, this is confusing. He can't be a spy in training. He just CAN'T." Says, you guessed it, Liz. We are all sitting on our beds since Joe let us take the day off. Basically just so we could let this information set in.

"It is just so... Strange? I guess that's the word to use. It's not like we haven't faced challenges before." Says Bex. I try to roll my eyes but stop, tears are setting in. I am about to cry and are indeed in need of an escape plan.

So I just tell them the truth while walking to the bathroom.

"We may have faced problems, b-but n-none of them havvvve b-been as-a hard-d-d as this." I say, whilst choking on tears. They become harder control but I get into the bathroom and lock the door just on time before the all fall down my cheeks.

The fear finally sets in if what a mess my life has become. I just can't stop thinking about how we up I am with all of this. It's a terrible life and I want to leave it.

Sadly there is only one person whom can make me feel better.

That person is my dad.

After crying for a few minutes, I hear a knock on the bathroom window. Now, as any heartbroken person would do, I walk to the window and open it. As any Cammie person would do, I don't scream when somebody pulls me out of the window.

And of course it has to be the person I was just crying about.

It has to be...


"She's definitely crying, even if she doesn't want us to know." Says Macy.

I agree but, suddenly the faint sobs stop. I hear a faint snap, that always happens when you open the window. I hear a gasp and then nothing.

But, Bex and Macy don't seem to notice.

I'm not frightened, just terrified. I am pretty sure Cammie is running away.

So I get Bex and Macy to comes with me to find her.

Zach POV

Gossip flows about the school. He's here, he's here!

Of all people entering the school while I am on the brink of getting Cammie, it has to be him.

He is going to ruin it all!

So, when I see Bex, Liz and Macy running up to me, I feel fear set in.

And when a few words leave their mouths, my tormenting head screams in anger.

Cammie ran away.

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