The Next Day.... Dun Dun Dunn

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The title... and then the cliffhanger there shall be at the end.

Oops, did I just ruin your day, do you hate me now.

(Yes! Now to start world domination!")

Yes, well, Mwah hah hah hah!

Watching Masterchef Junior and what these kids say is hilarious.

First it was when this one girl gets to eat a cake and miss the elimination for winning the previous round and this girl replies," Lucky kid."

You don't even understand.

Then Gordon Ramsey brought out 'Dynamite' and the kids were begging him not to push it. When the person pushed it, they were all screaming. It ended up being marsh mellows.

I loved it.

Well, for those reading this, thanks for putting up with me!

Cammie POV

And the very next day.

Dun dun Funn nnnn

"Singing in the shower, dancing in the mirror!" Bex's voice booms into the room as she takes a shower next door.

"La da di, Beat the boys', beat the boys'." We all sing, knowing that the he's whom are spies can hear us.

"Kick em nice an' hard during PE today." Bex starts to rap.

"Make sure to get them where the sun don't shine." We finish.

Just quickly comment here what else they are singing. Whoever gets the best one by my birthday (next week) shall get a dedication in each of my books and a follow.

I know that my rap is really bad but hey, it's your job now to make better ones.

Once we enter the dining hall, all anyone can do is scream.

Why, you may ask, not even I know.

Then I realise it, there are other coming through the roof, just like we did. More spies and I can tell that they are all male.

The funny thing is that only the girls are screaming, that none of the boys notice, just like when we came.

Are they truly spies?

Bex, Macy, Liz and I go and hide in a tunnel before they can see us. There's a small crack so we can see what's going on.

We can see these boys tying everyone up, that nobody is fighting back.

We all know what to do and we run down the passages to get to the four entrances at the corners. Liz's voice buzzes through my necklace coms I always have in me. She counts down and we all silently creep in.

Once we attack these new comers, well, they are all but with surprise. Fear stretches throughout all their eyes and we tie a few up before we truly fight.

After about ten minutes, one boy and I are left standing. He comes up to me and winks.

"Miss me Peaches?"

Wow, you must hate me, such a short chapter?

Oh well, my birthday is coming up and I will gift you another chapter then!

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