Blood on the walls

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Please, do not be mad at me afternthis chapter, I know, I did say that we are going on an emotional rollercoaster. Thanks for the comments on the last chapter, I'm glad that I could hack into your emotions. But I assure you, this chapter is worse.

                            Macy POV

After about two hours of searching, we split up.  We do have comms units but all you can hear in those is Zach shouting Cammie's name every minute. Nobody has found her and we've been searching for about 5 hours.

I am pretty sure I have gone down this passage. I had just turned left and I am at familiar with the sim torches on the grey, brick walls.

Yes, I have definitely been down this passage, just now there is a new addition. I alert everyone to come to my coordinates immediately.

And then I wait.

                        Zach POV

I rush down passage after passage. Macy says she's found her and I am going to make sure I am there before Josh.

That idiot, it's all his fault. She's my girl and after today, I shall make sure Josh doesn't lay a hand on her.

When I get to Macy's location and enter the dimmed passage, well, I didn't make it there before Josh. But now I wish I was here hours ago.

                     Josh POV

I enter the passage Macy told us to come to. Luckily, I was only a few passages away.

It's just, that when I enter the passage, all I see is walls covered up with dried up blood.

"I already took a sample. It's Cammie's, the DNA is Cammie's."

My heart stops and Zach enters the passage. Macy tells Zach what she told me. Immediately we start running down passage after passage, following the blood.

We soon enter a dimly lot room with a long table inside. Attached to the table is Cammie. She's held down by hand cuffs on her wrists and ankles. There is blood on her lips and cuts on her arms and legs.

I recognise this. It's happened to me before.

It's torture.

And smash!! I threw the bomb on you in a short chapter. You see, I basically am doing short chapters because I love cliff hangers. I can't just leave one, I have an addiction but I will try to write shorter chapters.

Now, can you all share this story and get more people to read it. It'll make my day since the more readers, the more criticism. I am really trying to improve my writing, so please, share.

Thank you all for reading👌😜😘

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