Not a bird, not a plane, its Superman!

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I know, I've made you all cry. But now I shall make you all happy again. Then, I think in the next chapter you are all going to cry 😭...


Not a bird, not a plane, it's superman!

Cammie POV

I wake up in a hospital bed with machines beeping around me. The noise surrounds me and I feel slightly confused. Well, I should be due to the fact that the calendar on the wall says the 22nd of December. Last thing I remember, it was September!

At least I didn't miss Christmas.

I think that the machine beeps in morse code. The same sentence again and again. Why, because I know morse code. It is ligit saying, "She's awake!" Over and over again.

Yes, I'm awake. Be happy, don't crunch my brain into a million pieces with a machine squealing.

Zach runs into the room, followed by Bex, Macy and Liz.

They kneel by the side of my bed. Across from them is a mirror. I look so pale!

Zach POV

As I run into the room, seeing Cammie awake, all I want to do is go kiss her. The doctors say that she has no memory of what happened. Hallelujah!

I think that Josh would also like to come and kiss her but he's being questioned again by Solomon. He's an utter idiot!

"Zach, what happened." Cammie croaks out. And I mean croaked out. I know that she put a lot of effort into saying that.

It's just that we are putting a lot of effort into not telling her anything.

"Nothing, don't worry about it."

"Something must have happened if I was in a coma until Christmas. At least I get a Christmas"

I know, I know. My chapters are so utterly short. I just wanted to write a happy chapter. If I made it any longer it would've been said.

Now, if you are wondering why I call this's a happy chapter, just think.

Cammie is awake. She doesn't remember what happened.

Now, if you go to next chapter, when I write it, you will see what I mean when I say sad chapter.

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