2. The goddess of the forest

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I walk out of the village and towards the forest, my home. My mother protected this place with her life and now it was my time to protect it. It was so beautiful, it was perfect. My slice of this world was amazing, free of war and conflict. The forest was peaceful, I kept order as a queen would do for her kingdom. I am a leader, a goddess. I notice something strange in the air, the wind picked up slightly. I could sense them, ninja. I turned around and was faced with a group of around ten people, all wearing black cloaks. "I am Pein, leader of the Akatsuki", one announces. I don't know how to answer, I don't want to answer. I don't bother to even waste my words on him, I turn around and continue to walk towards the forest. He appears in front of me, his abnormal purple eyes stare into my (e/c) ones. "What could you possibly want with me, human?", you ask, your tone holding no emotion. "I want you to join my organization, our goal is to create world peace". I can't help but snicker. "Human's have tried to create world peace for centuries yet no one can do it, I don't care for the problems in your world. War and death is normal for you, my own world is peaceful the only flaws are the parasitic human's sucking the it dry. If you wish to create world peace then kill all human's and it will be restored to the beautiful land it once was". His eyes widen. "You act as if you aren't human", he says accusingly. I nod. "I'm not human, I'm a goddess. I suggest you leave before you get yourself killed". You then walked into the forest, letting the trees part for you.

Akatsuki's POV

Pein stood there, not moving. "What do we do now?", Konan asks. Pein looks towards the forest and sees the something small and glowing. He watched as more of them appeared and walked into the forest. The trees seemed to part as they had done for (Y/n). "Forest spirits", Kakuzu says. "What the fuck are those?", Hidan asks. "They live in the forest where they say the goddess of the forest lives, though I heard that she died". Others looked at Kakuzu as if he was insane. "That sounds like a story you would hear as a child, gods don't exist", Sasori says, earning a glare from Hidan. "She did say she was a goddess", White Zetsu adds. "We're following them", Pein announces. The others raise their eyebrows. "We know nothing about this forest, for all we know it could be a trap", Konan says, worry evident in her voice. Pein stares into the opening, watching the spirits walking down the visible path. "If anything happens I will completely destroy the forest, we'll be fine". The others nod and follow Pein as he walks towards the opening and into the forest.

"Its scary in here", Tobi worries, his arms wrapped around a very annoyed blonde bomber. "Get off me un!", he yells, shoving the masked man away. Zetsu caught him before he hit the ground and helped him up. "Thank you Zetsu-senpai", Tobi says before walking as if nothing had happened. The forest was so large and it felt as if they had been walking for hours but their feet didn't seem to hurt at all. They started to notice that the trees seemed to get bigger and there was barely any light. Moss covered everything and many different colored wild flowers were spread out across the land. It was a place you  would only ever see in a fairy tale, it was a paradise. What (Y/n) had said was true, this place was peace itself. The Akatsuki paused when they came to an area where there was water, the spirits walked across the surface and to the other side where there was a clearing. The Akatsuki followed, focusing chakra to their feet to enable themselves to walk across the water. When they reached the other side they were surprised at what they saw. Wolves, pigs, snakes, horses, deer, every animal imaginable sat patiently waiting for something to happen. They all turned their attention to the Akatsuki, some getting up. "Who let human's in here?!", one of the pigs squealed. Several animals surrounded the group, speaking of how they just love to kill them. Suddenly a loud booming voice was heard. "MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS MUST KNEEL FOR THE GODDESS IS APPROACHING". All of the animals went to their places and knelt down, their heads bowed. The Akatsuki just stood there unsure of what to do. "Pst", they heard someone hiss. They turned and saw a wolf. "Kneel unless you want to die", he chuckled in a dark voice. The Akatsuki did as they were told and watched as someone walked out in front of them all. A woman. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair bounced slightly as she walked. She wore a long dress, the bottom trailed behind her and a split up the leg exposed her thigh. The top of the dress wrapped around her chest, fitting perfectly, not needed straps for support. Her (s/c) skin was covered in strange black markings that looked like thorns and roses. She stopped walking when she was in front of a large tree, she knelt down and bowed her head. "We are ready for you mother", she whispered. The tree seemed to change into the shape of a woman. Other trees seemed to the same except they just grew faces. "The elders and goddess of the forest have gathered all of brothers and sisters together to discus a serious matter, I personally have no knowledge but the elders shall address the matter", (Y/n) announces.

One of the trees began to speak. "The goddess of the forest has brought it to our attention that there is a prophecy that concerns the young goddess and the humans", it states. The Akatsuki noticed (Y/n)'s body tense. She looked back and glared at the group and turned back around to face the goddess of the forest. "What is the prophecy mother? What do I need to do?', she asks. The goddess of the forest knelt down and lifted the chin of her daughter, looking deeply into her eyes. "Join", she whispers. Her voice was just like wind, it sent shivers down the Akatsuki members spines. Then the goddess of the forest turned back into a tree. (Y/n) panicked and looked over at the elders. "What does she mean by 'join'?", she asks. One of the elders chuckles. "You will join the humans on their quest and help them with their goals".

Next chapter. Happy with the way this is turning out even though this is just the second one. If you've seen the movie Princess Mononoke then you'll have a good a good idea of what the forest is like, its that exact forest. Merry Christmas to everyone if you celebrate! Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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