it's not over

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you hear a loud bang and a bright light. are you dead? is this heaven? hell? you see sam and dean emerge, a door rattling to the floor. their guns are raised. soon, sam spots you. he runs over to you.

"hey... hey... are you okay?" he says while he unbuckles you. he lifts you in his arms. you're dead weight, you can't even support yourself. dean looks around.

"i think we're good." dean mumbles as you begin to leave. adam appears behind you.

"not so fast." he says. he snaps his fingers, and you're tied back up. sam and dea turn around.

"a- adam?" adam raises his hands. 

"in the flesh."

"you- you're back? h- how?" sam stutters. dean raises his gun, knowing he isn't here to help.

"well, that's no way to greet your brother, now is it?" dean lightly chuckles.

"you're not adam." adam rolls his eyes, letting his arms fall to his side.

"pretty sure i am. but, what do i know? maybe i've been in the cage too long to tell." he growls. sam straightens himself up.

"look, i'm- we're sorry, but-" sam begins.

"that doesn't cut it!" adam screams. "that doesn't fucking cut it!" he sharply inhales, and cracks his back. "this time, we're playing by my rules."

"yeah..." dean scoffs. "i don't think so." adam smiles, and then tightens his hand. your throat starts to ooze blood. you try to scream, but hardly anything comes out. you begin choke on your own blood. sam tries to walk forward to stop him, but adam flicks his hand and he falls back. adam sighs.

"now, i'm sure you understand the rules. shall we begin?" dean glares at adam, helping sam up. "good." adam says. "if you want y/n back, you're going to have to do something for me."

"what?" dean chuckles. "you want a lap dance?" adam snaps his fingers and four gallons appear.

"now," he begins. "this blood was kindly donated by azazel. if you want her back, drink up." adam tightens his hand. more blood oozes from your throat. sam walks forward.

"sammy, no." dean murmers. sam turns to him.

"what other choice do we have?" adam smiles, pointing to the cartons. sam quickly uncaps the first gallon and begins to chug it. adam loosens up, your blood flowing steadily, but no longer pouring out as much. sam finishes the first, and goes onto the second. in a few minutes, sam finishes all the bottles.

"that wasn't so hard, now was it?" adam disapears as you fall to the floor. sam runs over to you, blood dripping from his mouth, his whole body shaking. you lean onto him and begin to sob. he wraps his arms around you.

"it's all over... it's over now..." he whispers to you. you want to believe him, you really do, but you know it's not over. and it never will be.

perfect strangers- sam winchester x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon