an explanation

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"where the hell'd she learn that?" dean spits. 

"i- i don't know, i-" sam stutters. your vision fades in and out, you try to open your eyes, but something keeps them shutting. everything is blurry, but the distinct voices guide you out of unconsciousness. you're lying down on a bed, bundled in blankets. you can feel the warmth, and try to say something, but nothing comes out.

"it's your damned books- it has to be. you can't leave 'em out, she'll just pick 'em up, read 'em, and get herself in shit places like this. how long has she been learnin' this, huh?"

"i don't know!" sam bursts. "i don't know what the fuck she's done, dean." dean got quiet for a second. 

"well, you better find out." you hear dean's heavy footsteps walk away and a door in the distance slams. 

"h- hi." you choke out. sam turns to you and smiles, then a look of worry crashes down on his face, weakening his entire stance. he practically runs to you, crouching to you and taking your hand. 

"jesus, y/n..." he begins. "are you okay?" 

"y- yeah, i'm f- fine." your voice is shaky and weak. sam picks up on this. 

"let me get you some water." you nod in response as he hurries off to the kitchen. your mind begins to fly rapidly- what happened? you piece together a few events: adam's arrival, sam in pain, your spell... i guess it was too much...  you think to yourself. sam comes back, smiling, a glass of water in hand. 

"here you are." he says. you lift the mug up to your lips and drink- it tastes heavenly. you're so dehydrated that you gulp it down in an instance. "let me get you some more-" he says, about to leave. 

"no. stay." his eyebrows press together in concern, and he sits. 

"what happened? how'd you- you learn that?" you take a deep breath and explain. explain it all. you explain the deal you made, what you've been doing, and what you're planning to do. you explain it all. 

perfect strangers- sam winchester x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora