meeting the winchesters

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it was a normal day at work for you, people came and went, small talk was had, but nothing interesting. being a waitress was never too exciting anyways. you peered at the clock.

"one more hour..." you mumbled to yourself. it was nine pm, meaning the diner was empty except for you, your co-worker josh, and the two men who just walked in. you frowned as they took a seat in your section, but begrudgingly got up to serve them anyways.

"anything you'd like to start you off?" you asked, placing down the menus.

"just some coffee, thanks." the tall one said to you. you turned to the smaller one, who was eying his menu with much intent.

"and you?" you asked.

"you got any beer?"

"well i sure hope you aren't driving." you whispered sarcastically. the taller one heard you and softly chuckled. "and no, no alcoholic beverages here." you piped up as you walked back to the cash register. you glanced over to the two men, the larger one had pulled out his computer, typing things rapidly.

"get this: local man dies from intense hemorrhaging. same things been going onto the men who move into the same house, all dying on december seventeenth every ten years."

"so what you thinking? ghost?" you overheard the smaller one say.

"yeah, either that or-" he stopped when he saw you coming over with coffee.

"so what are you? the friggin winchesters?" you laughed. their expressions dropped as they stared at you. "you know, from carver edline's supernatural?"

"excuse me?" the smaller one said.

"i overheard you talking about ghosts. not to mention, there's an impala outside. figured you two were fanatics." you placed down the larger ones cup of coffee.

"you listen here you son of a-" the small one began.

"dean." the taller one said, glaring at him. you ignored the situation at hand- it's been a long day and the last thing you needed were for some fanboys to attack you claiming they're fictional characters. 

"anything else you boys would like?" you asked.

"i'll just have the coffee, thanks." the larger one said.

"bacon wrapped cheese burger with a side of fries." the smaller one said.

"alright." you said while taking their menus and walking off.

"sammy- i don't like this bitch." you heard him harshly whisper.

"calm down, it's just a fan."

in a few minutes, you came back with 'deans' food.

"guessing you two are new around here?" you said while placing down the plate of food.

"just passing through." the larger one said as the other began to devour his dish.

"what's your names?" the bigger one chuckled.

"i'm sam, and this is dean." you raised your left eyebrow.

"if you come in here tomorrow saying you're agent angus and young, questioning me if i've smelled anything funny or seen lights flickering, we're gonna have some problems." sam laughed a bit, but dean just stared at you.

"we'll have the check now." he nearly yelled. you walked back to the counter, smirking. josh whispered to you.

"seriously y/n? how do you manage to piss off everyone?"

"i have my ways." you smiled. "these two are bat shit crazy, they're acting like they're the winchesters."

"the winchesters?" he asked.

"you know, from the books? the two brothers who hunt monsters? i used to love the books when i was younger..."

"no doubt, you always like the weird stuff." you playfully punched him on his arm, preparing their check.

"hey, y/n?" josh asked. "truth or dare?" you lightly laughed.

"seriously, at work?"

"why not?"

"fine, dare."

"i dare you to give tweedle dee and tweedle dumb over there your number on the receipt."


"write a heart next to it too."

"i hate you."

"love you too!" he called after you as you went to deliver the check. you placed it down on the check as the big one gave you his credit card. you walked over to the cashier to get their recipet. on the bottom, you wrote, "hey sammy, gimme a call some time 4084556724 ♥" you gave them it with a soft smile. your cheeks were red from embarrassment.

"drive safely." you said as sam put the receipt in his pocket. he nodded his head at you as they walked out. you walked over to josh.

"truth or dare?"

"dare." he responded.

"i dare you to let me get off early and cover for me." you said as you grabbed your jacket and began to leave. as you exited, he yelled back to you,

"no fair!" you simply flipped him off as you got into your car, and drove away.

perfect strangers- sam winchester x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن