it's not goodbye

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someone knocks on your door.

"yeah?" you ask. dean opens the door.

"hey kiddo." you smile. "sammy and i are leaving in a bit, care to say goodbye?" you walk over to him.

"bye!" you say, giving him a light hug. "see you later." you say as you release him.

you walk back into your room, but dean stops you.

"hey, y/n?"


"just... curious. what's going on with you and sam?" you smirk.

"hell if i know. i just... like him. a lot."

"so you like..." dean pauses. he glances left and right making sure no one is there. in a hushed whisper, he says "like like him?" you glare at him.

"yeah. i do." dean smiles.

"see you around?"

"yep." you jump on your bed and crack open your book.



"it's good to see you happy." you give him a grin and wave your hand to signal him to leave, resuming reading. sam comes in after a bit, a dark blue duffle bag in hand. you glance up as you hear the floor boards creak.

"hey." you say, placing down your book. you lightly tap your bed, signaling for him to come over. he drops the duffle by your door way and takes a seat next to you. you smile as you pull him in for a long, lingering hug. you try to absorb his smell. his warmth. the whole essence of him. it wasn't like this was goodbye, but you knew you'd miss him in the week or so he was gone. yet, you knew it was good so you wouldn't become to dependent on the boys. after you pull away, you gently place your hand on his cheeks, feeling his jawline, his soft skin, and his rough stubble. you both lean forward, your noses and foreheads gently touching. you softly kiss his lips, trying to explain the way he tastes so you can remember it later.

"i don't want to go..." sam murmurs. you softly chuckle.

"you have to." sam groans as he lifts you up into his lap.

"it's an easy job, dean can do it himself." he says as his softly kisses your neck. you put your arms around him.

"you two need to do your... brother thing. alright?" he looks at you and smiles.

"alright." he places you back down and gets up to leave. at the door way, he turns around. "thanks."

"for what? i'm the one staying in your bunker, eating your food, sleeping in your bed, and causing trouble."

"just... thanks." he leaves the room, softly closing the door behind him.

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