18. Love Triangle

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(So I just thought it was just really funny seeing your reaction of the character Nancy and I wanted to give you all a chapter on her point of view and why she acts the way she does. Also idk if this is an oc? I just created this character for the plot of the book and she's kind of like a Maria Reynolds? idk just take this chapter *shoves chapter in face and runs away*)

Nancy's p.o.v:

The day that I saw Michael come back to the store with his hood down was the day that I was overjoyed with excitement. He was finally back to normal. I have basically known him for my entire life but we stopped hanging out when he became friends with Jeremy. After that it was just them against the world. I tried everything to get him to notice me once more but it resulted in me losing control of who I was. I was on the verge of killing myself because he wouldn't notice me and thats when I realized it was time to stop. I was losing myself over a boy that didn't even notice me.

A few years later I had already been working at a 711 shop, I was 15 at the time, and then I saw 13 year old Michael come in. I didn't really care after everything that I had went through. When he saw me he look surprised and smiled. "Nicoletta!" I blushed and quickly shut his mouth. "Don't call me that, Nancy is fine." I said looking around making sure no one heard him. "I haven't seen you in a while how's high school? I hear its something amazing!" He said overly excited. "Yeah its something... Well I kind of need to work so..." I said trying to end the conversation but he didn't get the message. "We should totally hang out sometime its been forever!" He said as he walked with me to fix the sandwiches. "Yeah we should." I told him. After that day he continued to come and visit me. Gradually I got used to him coming in and bothering me. He even started to flirt with me which was the cutest thing I have ever seen him do. Everything that I felt about him came back and I felt like I actually had a chance with him that is until he brought y/n.

When he came in he gave me his usually hello and I just waved at him rolling my eyes. What was he going to pull of today? I laughed at myself as I saw him talk to the girl that I didn't know. I began to fix the register and merchandise when I saw them making their way to me. "Well then I owe you... I don't know I'll think of something sooner or later but I don't think you'll win." I heard the girl say as she gave me a smile and put her stuff on the register. "So Nancy how's it going?" Michael said trying to make conversation, he had this flirty mode activated and I decided to make fun of him because that's how we rolled. He would make fun of me and my love for anime and I'd make fun of him and his love for drugs. "Oh please i'm trying to do my job and you're here just flirting really. You should be ashamed, your girlfriend might get jealous." I teased then he gave off a strange expression that I never saw him make. "She's not my girfriend." He stated coldly and I awkwardly responded "Oh well alright then."

The following day, he had come to me and told me that he had feelings for her but he didn't think that she had feelings for him. I felt crushed I didn't know what to do. I was beginning to feel alone again. "Well you try your best! If she doesn't like you then I don't know what wrong with her. I mean how can she not like the cutest little boy in the entire world!" I had said hugging him and messing up his hair. He was shorter than me and he was also younger but he was totally my type. Sadly he didn't feel the same about me.

After that Michael changed from the funny cute goof ball he was to this depressing edgy guy that I didn't know. I saw y/n as well and as much as I hated her I had to talk to her for Michaels sake. One day I grabbed the courage that I had and asked her, "So hows school?" Y/n would just give me a vague answer I mean, I don't blame her school is boring. "Oh it's going okay I guess, school is school. You know?" I then decided that it was time to tell her about Michael. "You know I've seen Michael around here a lot but he comes in around 5 minutes after you everyday you should really talk to him." Silence she just gave me the money and didn't respond. What a bitch. "He seems different now, I should know since he always used to flirt with me 'for practice' he'd say." I added in and smiled so that she would feel jealousy.  One day out of the blue she had asked me, "Are you in love with Michael?" It caught me by surprise I did but she couldn't know. If she knew then she could tell Michael and then Michael might not want to be my friend. "No." I stated and she left waving goodbye.

Why did everything have to be so difficult?

Why couldn't they have both loved each other and done?

Why did I have to be the odd one that fell in love with a boy that would never see me as dating material?

And worse of all what did I do to deserve this?


At least I keep his eyes in my eyes....



I had to do more. 

If y/n couldn't appreciate him I will take him.

As soon as I saw Michael coming back to the store with his normal self I couldn't control myself I ran to him and hugged him. That's when I saw y/n staring at me and I moved out of the hug. "Hi guys what brings you here?" I asked staring directly at y/n. "Um, we'll Michael invited us to get some stuff." y/n said. "Yeah! Who are you? Omg are you Michael's girlfriend?!" A new girl that I had never met chimed in, she was adorable. "No." Michael choked out but his red face said something else, I couldn't help but smile at his red face. "I'm going to be your best man when you two get married." Jeremy chimed in. "Psh ha!" I laughed and poked Michael. "They're already planning our weeding." I told him and he just blushed a deeper red then me and Michael both saw y/n walk away. Michael followed Y/n and I was pissed off. That is until the new girl, Christine, started talking to me. It was fine at first until she couldn't stop talking as soon as I saw y/n walk towards the register I was able to escape. "Sorry that they think Michael and I are a couple. You guys are clearly a way better match." I said trying to provoke her.  "It's alright. It doesn't matter anyway." She said and as soon as I gave her the bag she made her way outside. Then Christine continued to force me and Michael to do some poses as if we were dating and I was actually having fun. I didn't know about Michael but I was going to enjoy this while it lasted. I even got to kiss Michael, well on the cheek. I liked him and all but I wasn't going to steal his first kiss. Although I'm pretty sure he already kissed Jeremy once by accident.

As I was leaving from my shift I saw that everyone but y/n was waiting for me. "What are you all doing here? It's practically night time." I asked them as I made my way to my car. "Well we wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out to the movies we have an extra ticket and we don't want it to go to waste." Jeremy said. "What about y/n?" I asked. They then explained to me that they had bought the tickets before going home but when they messaged y/n she had told them that her parents wanted her to be home. "Alright lets go to my house so I can get changed first and then we can go. I don't want to smell like coffee." I said and motioned for everyone to get in the car. "Coffee smells good." Michael said. "Anything smells good to you." I replied and we drove off.


I had to look back at past chapters to make this chapter it was worth it, I think?

Anyways I hope you all had a wonderful generic holiday.

I don't know when my next chapter will be posted and if I don't post anything Happy early new years :D

btw do you like Nancy? (just asking)

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