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Y/n p.o.v:
After having a sob moment outside we both went our separate ways. I went to choir and he went to skip team sport. We gave each other out numbers I was hesitant to give it to him but I felt like I needed to have someone in my life at this moment. I didn't know who I was or what I was feeling I was very confused and I just wanted a friend to hang around with and help me out.
It was after school and I was walking home casually when I felt someone tap my shoulder it was Michael. I hadn't told him anything after he said that he was 'in love with me' so it was kind of awkward for me to see him again. "Hey, y/n wanna go hang out at the mall?" As I turned my head to respond to him I saw Jeremy making out with one of the popular girls named Brooke. Honestly, he could do so much better, I don't even know why I liked him in the first place. If it was just because of his looks then I had to really recheck myself to make sure I didn't turn into every other girl in my school. I didn't want Michael to find out so I continued to walk the opposite direction that Jeremy and Brooke where. "How about 711 I don't want to be the stereotypical girl that hangs out at the mall after school." After I said that Michael jus smiled and replied, "you're totally right like omg why would I even think that I'm so sorry girl." I couldn't help it I laughed really loud, I freakin loved this guy. "Let's go!" I said as we walked towards 711. "Hey Nancy." Michael said as we entered the girl just gave off a small wave and rolled her eyes smiling at Michael. I quickly ran to the slurpee machine and grabbed the biggest cup. "You really like slushies?" Michael asked as he grabbed his own cup. "Yeah cherry is the best along with the [insert flavor] one." I said as I poured myself an unusually large amount of slurpee that was probably to big for me. "You can never go wrong with cherry." He said as he then poured himself the cherry slushie. "Oh do they have any blue mountain dew? I've been dying to get my hands on that for so long." I asked him. "I don't know about blue but green for sure." We walked together to the refrigerators and I found the blue mountain dew. "You don't like the green mountain dew?" He asked scanning through the window until he found something and smiled. "You have to try this!" He said as he took out a bottle of Crystal Pepsi. "That looks like its just water. It doesn't look satisfying." I said as I scrunched my nose. "It's amazing I promise it's like pepsi but crystal and that makes it ten times more awesome you seriously have to try it!" He said so enthusiastically. "Alright but if I don't like it then you have to... pay for everything that I buy." I say to him grabbing my own bottle of Crystal Pepsi. "And if you like it? Then what?" He asks as we walk towards the cashier, "Well then I owe you... I don't know I'll think of something sooner or later but I don't think you'll win." I finish of as we both pay for all of our stuff. "So Nancy how's it going?" Michael said. "Oh please i'm trying to do my job and you're here just flirting really. You should be ashamed your girlfriend might get jealous." She teased and gave off the perfect smile that I wish I had. "She's not my girfriend." He said coldly. I felt a small stab but I didn't know why, it was true I wasn't in any kind of relationship with him but ehy did it hurt? "Oh well alright then." She said and gave us the change as we left I quickly tried to play it off cool and took out the Crystal Pepsi. "Time to gain some cash and get what I want next time." I said as I opened the Pepsi and took a small sip.

Michaels p.o.v:
I turned to look at y/n and saw her eyes sparkle look down at the Pepsi and then look at me with sparkling eyes. "Omg this is so good! It's not fair you probably did something to my tastebuds and that's why its so good." She began to whine and it was honestly really cute if she was my sister then I would always protect her and be there for her. "I guess I win." I taunt and she just sticks out her tongue and continues to drink the Crystal Pepsi. Man, I forgot how good it felt to talk to someone. Jeremy had been avoiding me and I didn't know why as we made our way to the mall close by I heard someone scream my name. It was Jeremy.

Y/n p.o.v:
I saw the entire thing fold right in front of me, Jeremy was being a total jerk right now. He wasn't there for Michael and abandoned him out of nowhere and now he was right here talking to Michael like it was no big deal. Why would he do such a thing? "It worked didn't it! Jeremy, we got to test it out we have to celebrate!... We have to get stoned in my basement!" Michael began to say excitidly but then Jeremy began to leave. "Jeremy?" Michael began to yell and Jeremy continued on his way like he didn't see Michael. I walked up to him ans stood next to him, "what a jerk." Michael turned around and looked at me like he didn't know what to say to me. "He-He isn't a jerk he's my friend. I don't know what's happening to him but you don't have the right to judge this guy. My friend since forever, I thought you were better than this y/n." He said and left me there all alone.

What did I do this time? I was trying my best, why did i always have to mess things up. I walked to the forest next to the mall and wandered around. No one else was there because no one liked to go to a creepy forest after school. It was just me and my little bag that carried what I had bought from 711. "Why can't I never do anything right universe!?" I screamed out letting a huge sigh out. I took out the blue mountain dew along with the Crystal Pepsi and but it in my bag. I began to drink the slurpee and thought of what I could do to get Michael back. I took out a sharpie and began to scribble stars on he cuffs of the jeans that I wore to school. My mom would be made but right now I needed a distraction.

Authors note:
I've been seeing way to many Michael's in my school, coincidence I think not

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