17. Nancy

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Y/n p.o.v:
Christine wouldn't stop talking about how happy Jeremy made her feel. She blushed continuously when she said his name. "Do you think that he thinks I'm wierd?" She says as she begins to mention all of her imperfections, which really weren't imperfections. "What if he notices that I messed up on a line in my 3rd performance!" She screams and I see tears begin to form in her eyes. "Relax Chris he won't leave you. I mean he basically took a risk when he paid to become cool and then basically almost destroyed all of human civilization to get a shot with you which is enough proof to show you that he loves you so much." I say as I adjust my skirt that I was wearing. After the incident with the whole squip thing I felt like I had to confess what I felt like about my body towards someone and so I told Christine. She was surprised when I told her what I felt and then she told me that she was actually jealous of my body which took me by surprise. After that Christine forced me to wear an outfit that she thought made me look pretty. And while she was convincing me she threw all of these nice comments about me saying things such as, this dress would totally show off the curves that you have.So I let her buy me a skirt which was different to what I was used to but it was still progress. I didn't really like to show my body so showing my legs was a big leap. Still everyone was really nice to me about it. They kept complimenting me which made me blush a little to much. Now I feel like the boys think I have a crush on them.

"Christine!" I heard Jeremy yell as he made his way to Christine and hugged her. It was really cute. I'm happy that they got together and I'm happy that Jeremy was back to his normal awkward self. "Yo." Michael yelled to use as he walked behind Jeremy. "Yo." I yelled back and did my typical fingergun. Michael came up to me and saw that I was wearing a skirt. "Skirt?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow. I felt self conscious once again and tried hiding my legs. "Y-Yeah." I replied. "Looks cute." I looked back at him startled I knew I was blushing so I quickly looked away. Why was I acting like this? I knew he liked Nancy. It was so obvious as soon as he went to 711 Nancy hugged him and he hugged her back. He's been happy ever since. I thought he completely forgot about what I said on Tuesday until right now. "What time do you want me to meet you?" I was startled. "Um, how about the movie theatre?" I said and then realized that I sounded cliche. "Sure whatever you want to do I'll meet you at 5?" I nodded dumbfounded that he still remembered. 

We all walked out of school and made our way to 711. Michael had invited all of us to go to 711. "It's on the house!" He said and laughed. "What? Why are you saying this? Are you working part time here?" I asked confused. "Yup!" He nodded then Nancy came out of nowhere to hug Michael and then quickly let go when she saw me. "Hi guys what brings you here?" She asked put clearly pointing me out. "Um, we'll Michael invited us to get some stuff." I said. "Yeah! Who are You? Omg are you Michael's girlfriend?!" Christine asked growing her enthusiasm. "No." Michael choked out but his red face said something else. "I'm going to be your best man when you two get married." Jeremy chimed in. "Psh ha!" Nancy laughed and poked Michael. "They're already planning our weeding." She said and that's when I lost it. I walked away from them and made my way to the slushie machine. I poured myself the largest portion. I took a huge sip and turned around to make my way to the cashier and got scared by Michael that was standing right behind me. It scared me so much that I began to cough. "You Okay?" Michael asked showing his concern. "Yeah, the slushie went the wrong way." I said and began to make my way to the cashier trying to hold back the coughs. "I meant are you okay okay? You walked off without saying a word." Crap he caught me. "I'm fine." I said and gave him a reassuring smile. I made my way to Nancy and bought my slurpee. "Sorry that they think Michael and I are a couple. You guys are clearly a way better match. "It's alright. It doesn't matter anyway." I said and as soon as I grabbed my bag I made my way outside and waited for them to come out. They took a long time. When I went back inside I saw Nancy holding Michael's hand and Christine taking a picture. "You guys are totally my otp you'ryou're almost as cute as me and Jeremy." I felt abandoned they clearly forgot about me. I should just go home.

I made my way home not wanting to see any of them. They didn't do anything wrong it was just me. I was the one that was at fault. I was the jealous one. I heard a notification from my phone and saw that Christine, Michael, and Jeremy where spamming me wondering where I went. All I said was that my parents wanted me to go home. They all bought it then Christine did the worst thing that she could have done. But she didn't know. She sent me a picture of Nancy kissing Michael and Michael was caught off guard so he clearly didn't give consent. He was busy getting a slurpee. But I didn't tell them anything. "That's so cute! 😍" I messaged then I went to my bed not knowing what to do and slept. 

I was such a loser.

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