Alucard frowned. 'I never seen those before...' He thought as he walked in, seeing the crystals up close. He never seen anything like that in his whole entire demon hunting life. He grabbed the crystal but it was so hot that it made him remove his hand almost immediately.

"Dang...this things are hot." He muttered as he looked forward, seeing more of these crystals as he walked. Drips of water was only the sound he heard as he kept walking along the cavern wall.

Suddenly, he saw one of the crystal shattered. His eyes widened to see some sort of wierd spawn landing on the ground. The spawn shook uncontrollably as it started to shoot lasers at Alucard, who dodged it.

"What the hell? These crystal contains some sort of wierd alien spawns." The demon hunter exclaimed as he dodged the laser shot before quickly slashing the spawn with his blade. The spawn died out, it's body on the ground. His eyes warily looked around the cavern wall to see if anymore spawned...but nothing came.

"I must hurry then...before these stuff hatches." He said as he sheathed his blade and started running to the end of the tunnel.


After a while of jogging and killing some baby spawns, he saw the end of the cavern. His eyes panned out as he entered the entrance of what it seemed to be a huge room of some kind. The walls of the room was covered to brim by the crystals as Alucard was slowly walking inside.

Then, he saw a purple tall humanoid alien standing infront of him. It was tall and skinny and had red, pulsing scales on it. It was also weilding a staff that had a crystal on top, emitting a purple light.

" you came..." A purple alien that was standing on a elongated platform, it's staff pulsing a red light from the power that it was eminating. Alucard's eyes narrowed at the alien.

" are the one...the one that will eradicate life on this planet..." The demon hunter said. "At first glance, you don't seem like a strong demon...but knowing the history of your race, you are not even demonic at all..."

Zhask said nothing as Alucard shifted his position akin to a battle stance. "But still... your kind was a threat to this planet...and I have to eradicate you before the eggs you had planted hatches." The demon hunter said as he dashed at the purple alien with his long sword.

His sword was met with the purple staff as Alucard tried to slash at the alien. The demon hunter felt a lot of force behind the swing of the staff as he couldn't overpower the alien. He jumped back as he spun around, trying to hit Zhask with a spinning slash.

The alien dodged it as he moved back, his staff glowed purple. He pointed the staff at Alucard, sending a purple beam at him. The demon hunter side stepped, making the laser crash against the cavern floor, chunking the wall with an explosion. He swung his blade overhead, trying to catch the alien off guard with a sudden off swing but Zhask dodged it with ease.

Alucard breathe in and out, regulating his 'Demon Pact' powers as he analyzed his enemy. 'That alien is strong and his reflexes are quick... looks like I need to put in more power on my blows.'

His body was suddenly covered in dark black aura as he placed more power to his sword. With that action, his sword glowed as it slowly turned bigger and wider, turning it into some sort of a huge broadsword. Wings sprouted on his back as his eyes flashed a black light.

"Let's see how can you survive the Child of the Fall!" He exclaimed as he disappeared in a flash of black. The alien was taken aback as it narrowly dodged a slash to it's chest. Zhask blocked another slash that was directed to it's head but he got hit on it's right shoulder, causing it's right arm to go limp.

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