"He..." Lorena pondered the meaning. "He must think you could become a Rider. Since your father was one."

"Galbatorix believes I would make a good Rider, he talked about how pleased he would be if I was in his service."

"You can't- I mean, you don't want to be in his service, do you?"

Murtagh seemed to snap out of his daze, his voice sharp and forceful. "Of course not. But in case you have not noticed we don't have much of a choice here. Hopefully an egg won't hatch for me."

* * *

The Twins seemed to have grown bored of the process when they visited. When told to carry on their work they let the iron land with a careless aim, unlike before when they carefully planned out the most excruciating spots. Murtagh had also seemed to grow tired of the sport, he no longer replied to the King but rather lay unmoving waiting for the next kiss. Lorena thought of Du Weldenvarden, and eventually the searing pain dulled into moderate burns.

* * *

The next visit came only a few hours after the King and his minions had left. Lorena was glad to see the bulbous head and grey lips of her gaoler, as he leaned down to release her. The food was bland but today they were given a warmed spiced wine that danced exciting flavours over their tongues. When the gaolers left Lorena allowed herself a small smile.

* * *

The two prepared themselves as they heard the bolt scrap. Two pairs of footsteps descended the stairs. A bold figure appeared between the slabs, Lorena was surprised to see that the Twins had come without Galbatorix, and was shocked that they both stepped beside her, a carving knife in one hand.

"Do you remember when we discussed flaying a living man?" A knot formed in Lorena's stomach as she looked from the Twins to the carving knife. "Let's give it a try."

Lorena cried out as a Twin tore her shirt open, the material ripping away from where it had burnt into her flesh. The Twin pushed up the wrap constricting her breasts to reveal her lower sternum, then his brother brought the knife down slowly, the fire from the brazier giving it an evil light.

"No! Why isn't the king here?" Murtagh pulled against his manacles, his eyes showed more white than grey as he tried to see from his bad position. "Do you have permission to be doing this?"

The Twin with the knife looked up with an annoyed expression. "We can do as we please in our spare time. You may be protected, but for us, she's free game." The Twin on her right firmly placed a hand on Lorena chest, then the other on her abdomen to further restrict her movement before his brother sliced her skin. Lorena clenched her teeth which muffled her groan, but her body still jerked causing the knife to cut deeper than expected. "Hold her down!" scolded the Twin with the knife.

Lorena felt the odd sensation of hot blood trickling down her sides, and clamped her eyes shut to stop them watering. "You've cut her too deep... Keep going, do not do it again and we should not have too many problems."

The sharp pain of the knife returned as her skin was delicately sliced open down to the navel. Her body jerked again but the Twin had a better grip and the slice was barely hampered. The Twin with the carving knife repositioned the blade and began to cut horizontally across her navel. Despite her good sense to stay still Lorena pulled against her manacles and squirmed against the knife causing the blade to swerve and cut deeper. The Twin cursed, "Hold her still, you fool!"

The Twins bantered at one another, but Lorena was paying more attention to the pain in her stomach and the blood flowing over her dirtied skin to pool on the slab beside her. Before long the Twins agreed to start skinning, she was held down again as a Twin began to cut the flesh from her stomach. Before she could stop it Lorena screamed so high pitched she saw the Twins wince.

Dunei - A Murtagh Love Story - Eldest Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now