Chapter 01

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The sequel to Dunei - A Murtagh Love Story, beginning at the same time as the book Eldest.

The crack and shudder of metal entering bone made her arm vibrate from impact. The Urgal hit the ground hard, its brain juices seeping out from the broken skull. Lorena jammed her foot in the monsters face and yanked on the sword, attempting to dislodge it from the hard bone. With a final grunt she managed to pull the steel free.

Lorena surveyed her companions, hoping that none were injured. She spotted Ajihad talking to the Twins and scrunched her nose in distaste. A dwarf helped bind another warriors' sword arm, dark blood already beginning to seep through the bandage. Then she spotted Murtagh inspecting his sword before sheathing it. By the time Lorena wiped the blood off her own weapon and sheathed it Murtagh was beside her.

Murtagh examined the wound to the Urgals skull. "Good job."

"Thank you. I noticed you didn't too badly yourself." Lorena looked over to a small group of dead Urgals which she was sure Murtagh had killed single handedly.

"Form up!" shouted Ajihad. The warriors formed two lines behind Ajihad, "Let's head back."

They marched through the tunnel; lights swirled and danced across the walls from the mounted torches. Up ahead Lorena saw the tunnel end in a wall, strong light beamed down from a cluster of lanterns outside. When they reached the wall the men climbed up into Farthen Dûr. Murtagh turned, and grabbed Lorena's arm, helping her out of the tunnel. Beside them the other men helped the dwarves.

Ajihad raised a hand, signalling to form up. They again formed two lines behind Ajihad, and marched proudly toward Tronjheim. A small group of people stood waiting beside the city for them; they were too far away to tell who was who but Saphira's unmistakable form was present. Lorena looked beside her at Murtagh, and smiled. He leaned down and planted a kiss on her plump lips. "No kissing in rank," grunted a dwarf behind them. Lorena grinned and ducked her head.

A cut off shout alerted the group that something was wrong. Lorena spun around to see a mass of Urgals cut down three more soldiers. The warriors backed up and clustered around Ajihad, protecting their leader. A light flashed from one of the Twins, and an Urgal fell, clutching the stump of his severed arm. The magic seemed to boost the soldiers spirits, Lorena felt safer knowing they had strong magic users with them. They recovered quickly and began hacking away at the Urgals, resisting their advances.

When Lorena was certain they would successfully fight them off a swirl of motion disturbed the air, like a faint band of mist wrapping itself around the combatants. She lost her vision and had to stop slashing, afraid that she might injure a comrade. When the air cleared her, Murtagh, Ajihad, and the Twins were the only humans remaining.

Once she could see again, an Urgal appeared before Lorena, swinging a club down at her. She tried to sidestep, but it clipped her shoulder, and the immense weight caused her to collapse. Before she could try to get up she was hit by a wave of shock when the Urgal wrapped an arm around her and began dragging her back into the tunnel with its companions.

She struggled against the monsters grip screaming, thrashing, and biting. She had lost her sword somewhere in the struggle and instead reached for the dirk in her boot. The Urgal grabbed the weapon from her—almost breaking her hand as he did—and threw it on the ground.

The Urgal had his arm around her chest, uncomfortably digging into her underarms. Lorena tried to take in who was around them. A large group of Urgals that seemed to be dragging other bodies. She heard a curse and a yell and recognised it for Murtagh. Thank the Gods he's alive!

Their captors joined up with a larger horde deep within the tunnels. The Urgal carrying her pushed to the centre of the group and dropped her. Beside her another Urgal dropped Murtagh, bruised and bloody. The Urgals had formed a circle around them. Lorena looked around, knowing they were at the mercy of their captors.

A Twin pushed his way into the circle, followed by his brother. The two looked slightly dishevelled but they held themselves with a confident air. "What the bloody hell is going on here!" demanded Murtagh.

The Twins grinned wickedly, taking a twistedpleasure in their power. "We are taking you back to Urû'baen, where you will beheld accountable for your actions by King Galbatorix."

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