Colby Pov

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I can't believe Sam would turn on me. I need to go somewhere. Somewhere I can think and not need to talk. I walk into a neighborhood that I've never been to before. I keep walking the streets that leads to a forest. There's a dear path, once the road ends. I take it, it's pretty wet because it just rained but it makes me think. It leads to a abandoned place. I'll call it my factory. I walk in. There's glass and graffiti everywhere. I climb up a latter which leads to stairs that I climb up. The roof is amazing. After the rain, it was sunset. The sun had peeked out the tree's and it looked beautiful. I thought of Brennen's gang and how Sam probably will join it. Than I thought of my dad and how my mom would always side with him. She'll never divorce him. I've told her over and over again that she should.



I started freaking out. Who could that be? I thought this was my place. Why didn't think drug people could be here? I hear humming. It sounded like a good song. I know that song. I hum back.

"Who is humming that?" Someone says

"No one." I say

"Don't mess with me. Just tell me who you are."

"None of your business. I'm just here to see the sunset and than I'll leave."


I look over to see a guy, trying to get up out of a hole in the roof. I look at him struggle and I get up. I walk over to him, keeping my distance but I see that he's my age.

"Hey Colby!"

"Who are you?"

"Sam. Duh."

"Oh sorry."

"Can you get me up? I'm really struggling here."

"Yeah, I know."

He reached his hand for me to grab it but I didn't. He left me to get hurt. Why would I help him.

"Come on man, I'm sorry."

"Sorry? What are you talking about."

"You know what I mean."

"No, I don't know."

"I let Brennen hurt you and saw you walk away. Without coming to you and telling you everything. So instead I walked and kept walking. I ended up here. Than I heard something and freaked out."

He reaches for me to grab his hand and this time I grab it. He get's up after struggling and keeps holding my hand. I try to pull away but he keeps his grip tight.

"I need to tell you something." He says


"Brennen made me, I would have stopped him but If I did he would hurt both of us."

"Like what?"

" I'm not sure but I'm guessing it's rumors, that were dating and probably a lot more punching."

"There's already rumors about that."

"There is?"


It became silent and I disconnected are hands and I starting walking. I sat down on the edge of the roof. I put hands behind my back so it can support me sitting. My legs dangled off the edge as a light wind hit me. The sun was still touching my face and it felt good. I heard a crash and whipped my head around. It was Sam. His leg was in a hole and I immediately got up. I walked on the lines that separated all the shingles. I made my way to Sam and he was still stuck there. I grabbed his hips and hoisted him up.

"Thanks babe." He said

"I'm not Brennen."

"I know."

I blushed. Maybe I do like him but maybe he's just a flirt.



God, I don't like this. He looked my in my eye and I blushed. Instead of keeping eye contact I walked around him and back to my spot. He followed behind me. 



"I want to tell you something."

"Ok, shoot"

HHAHAHHHHHAAA IF I WAS ABLE TO GO THROUGH SCREEN, I WOULD LAUGH IN YOUR FACE SO HARD!! The anticipation must be right on edge. Thank you guys/girls for 1k and know that I sound like a youtuber go ahead and click the vote button and comment below your favorite food

mines spaghetti or pizza!


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