Sam Pov

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I waited for Colby outside. I almost went into the school again to see where he was but Brennen walked out. I stopped and he looked toward me. He went straight to his car, and than I felt a hand touch my back. It's a teacher I don't have.

"Sonny, are you ok. you look lost" She says

She sounds kinda old to be honest.

"Nope I'm ok. Just waiting for a friend." I say

"Ok. Do you go to this school?"

She wants to start conversation I don't want to have. But I am a polite person so I will keep talking.

"Yes. I am. My name is Sam Golbach. What teacher are you? Or do you not teach at this school."

"Yes I work here. I am a social studies teacher. I'm Ms. Albert."

She was that teacher that told us to stop fighting when me and Colby were being hit. 

"Nice." I say

"SAM!" I hear Colby yell

"COLBY?" I yell back

"Colby where are you this isn't funny." I say 

I turn the corner and see Corey beating him up. Why does this always happen to him. Why does he get hurt all the time. I grab Corey and pull him off and he runs away. I see Ms. Albert turn the corner only to gasp. I see Colby laying on the ground with a nose bleed. God, I feel bad. I throw my backpack off and get a napkin out of a pocket. I hand it to him and get a call from my mom.

"Sammy, I need you to be home. With your friend or not." She says

"Ok mom. I'm coming."

I hang up and help Colby get up. 

"Colby do you still wanna come over."

He nods and We walk over to my car. He get's in the passenger side. As I see him do this I wave to Ms.Albert telling her were ok. She waves back and I shut my door. We start driving and Colby starts crying. It seems like he's just crying over what Corey did to him but I remember he never cried when we were hit and than never in the bathroom.

"Colby, are you okay? You never cry." I say

"Yeah. I'm ok. Life just sucks and I don't wanna be here anymore." He says still crying

I don't continue the conversation because were pretty much at my house. I get out before he does and wrap him in a hug before we go into my house. No one is home. I call mom and she tells me that dad took way to many headache pills and now is in the hospital.(seriously I have no clue if you would go to a hospital because of this but it's all i can think of.) I tell Colby this and he just nods. I show him the whole house and asks him if he's hungry. He nods again and we get salsa and chips. I look at him and we have eye contact, he immediately looks away and I feel bad. I really wonder what he get's picked on for.

"Ask the question you've been dying to know"

How does he know so much about me?

"Mk. Why are you picked on."

"I'm bi" He says. I'm confused. I'm not picked on and I'm bi.

"Well. Weird. I though we would have nothing in common but here we are."

"What do you mean by that?" He asks

"It means that I'm bi too..." I say nervously

Another cliff hanger my BOISS! Actually salsa and chips sounds soooooooooo good right now. Seriously i think that this won't be a cliff hanger because I'll prob post another one tonight.. Mk good bye. this song doesn't even go with this story lol

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