Colby Pov

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I feel stupid. I don't know how to use a DVR. I don't have technology at home. Except for a phone. It's not a good phone, but good enough to text, to take pictures and have google. Sam looks at me like I'm an idiot, and I don't blame him. I should know how to use these things. I just don't know.

"Want me to show you?" He says

"Yeah." I say

He tells and shows me how to do it. It seems really easy. It had all the buttons written for it's purpose. A lot of people make fun of DVD's and how stupid they are. I don't think so. Now he's the worst part about movies. Commercials. I look down at the floor as Sam climbs down onto it and grabs stuff. I finally smell the popcorn and cookies and think that's it. Nope. There's sour candy, soda,popcorn and cookies. Looks like a good dessert to me. He opens the sour candy and hands me one. I take it and eat it. It's really sour at first, but than it's really good. It's like an addiction. I take a few more and than the commercials are done. Sam has the controller.

"Ready" He says

"Set" He says 

"GO!" I say

We both start laughing. I'm glad he get's my humor. I'm such a funny guy. Ok, stop complimenting yourself. The movie starts and I feel sad. Those poor people have to deal with that. I look around the room. His bed is next to the wall and it's a queen size. I look across the room and there's the tv. To the right on the side is his door. On the right wall there's a small stand, just a little taller than the bed. It's right next his bed. It has a light on it and an alarm clock. Classic.  On the left wall there's a wardrobe. Its big and black(I'm sorry, that's what she said). There's a lava lamp on it. It has a few papers, probably homework, and a rubix cube. It's completely messed up. I look more on the left wall and I see there's another door. TO the right of the wardrobe. I'm assuming that's a bathroom. I look back at the tv and notice there's picture's around the tv. There small but see able. I see Sam and his family. A brother,sister,mom and dad. I look back at the screen and see them(movie charecters) sitting in fancy chairs with fancy food around them. It looks like a fast subway.(underground bus thingy) I turn toward Sam and see him enjoying the movie. I look back at the tv and reach for a cookie but instead grab Sam's hand. I turn toward him while letting go. He has a big smirk but keeps focusing on the screen. I grab some popcorn instead. 

*After the movie transition*

I'm pretty tired. I take a sip of soda that me and Sam have been sharing. Now the credits are on. Sam turns toward me.

"So now what do you want to do?" He asks

"Sleep" I say

I look at the time and it's 1:11. He starts laughing.

"How many sleepover's have you had?" He says

"Like 2. One in 2 grade and another in 5" I say

"Oh. That makes sense. What's the latest you've stayed up?" He says

To be honest the latest I've stayed up is 11 pm.



"No. I don't usually stay up. I get tired, that's why I said sleep."

Sam put his hand on mine and leans in.

"Well were gonna change that." He said

I start blushing and it's clearly visible because Sam face lights up and as he starts laughing.

"Not that way, Silly" He says

At this point I start laughing. We start to stop laughing and than we giggle. Me and Sam have a long stare and I see a twinkle in his eye. He get's up, disconnecting our eye contact. He goes into the bathroom and opens a shelf. He grabs out a board game. Monopoly. This game that goes forever.

"I'm never going to finish this game"

"You're not playing this alone though" He says laughing

I started laughing. I get down on the floor. After an hour of playing a black out. The last thing I remember is falling on to Sam.

OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH! I wrote more than normal again. This will probably be the normal now. Again if I mess up write it in the comments. I'm still mad about the Sam,Colby,Brennen and Kat thing. But I think what Brennen did the other day was so sweet. The song above has a story to it. I was looking though Sam and Colby's snapchat's and I saw this song in Colby's snap. It sounded cool so I looked it up and here it is. i've found some other songs. HAPPY 21 BIRTHDAY SAM! I know it's a day early but whatever. Ok Imma go...


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