Colby Pov

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Write about how brennen came and told colby to date him for a day

I woke up. To my my phone going off. Ugh. It was Sam, I didn't know he had my phone number. He wanted me to pick him up but I didn't want to go to school. I roll off my bed, hitting the floor hard. Why did I do that? I get up and go to the bathroom. I put water on my hands and rushing it through my hair. The cold water hit my skin adn all of a sudden I got chills. I put on a pir of black jeans and a plain white shirt. 


"Yes mom??"

"Your freind is coming up."


I thought it was Sam but it wasn't. It was Brennen. He had a smirk look on his face.

"So. I need your help."


"Come on, Colby. Help a brother out."

"Your not even close to be my brother."

"COme on. I'll tell you about what I want your help witha dn than you can say yes or no. Ok?"


He seemed pretty calm but that might be because my mom had left the door open. I walked over to the door and shut it. 

"Ok. I need you to be my boyfriend for a day. I need to get Sam back. I'll walk up to you and we will walk away to the school holding hands. Ok?"

"No. Sam's my friend. I'm not gonna hurt him."

"Or, I could make even more rumors and hirt yuo and Sam even more. So yes or no?"


At this point I'm next to the wall in the bathroom. After I shut the door I went back to the bathroom to brush my hair. Brennen took a step forward and pushed me against the wall. Now were face to face. 

"Yes or No? COlby, you know what I can do. Don't risk it."

I do know what he could do. And I can't do anything about it. All the girls like him or Corey. He can do anything and people will defend him. Except the popular people. They won't let him join ther group.




"Good see you at school babe." He than kissed my cheek and left.

My dad barged into my room. He looked really mad.

"Are you dating HIM agian?"


"Don't lie to me, son. YOu know you are."

"I'm not."

He hits me in the chin and my mouth started to bleed, he than hit me in the stomanch until I yell


Blood is all over my shirt and I'm bleedung hirribly. My mom runs up to my room.

"He's dating, that son of a bitch!"

"Are you, Colby?" My mom says


Blood is all ove rmy shirt and my mom freaks out. My parents start yelling at one another and finally my moms says

"Get out of my house!"

My dad leaves my house taking his clothes and alcohol. 

"Sweetie, I can't stay but I don't want your father comng back. I need you to wash your mouth out and I'll go grab a rag and a new shirt."

"Thank you momma." I say

"No problem."

I go and wash my mouth and my mom hands me and shirt and a rag. I grab them both. I put on the new shirt adn hug her. I wash my mouth out again after she leaves. I put the rag to my mouth and it stops bleeding. I grab my backpack as I thor the rag at the washer. 

I get in my car and drive over to Sam's. He get's in the car and asks if I'm ok. I said it was a rough morning and he said something that me blush. My hair hid it, so he didn't know so I said it made me cringe. He kinda laughed and we got to school. Once we got out I kinda grabbed his hand but he saw Brennen walk this way. 

I remember what Brennen said and he came up to Sam and I.

"Hey BABY!" He said in the most fake voice, while coming toward Sam and I.

Sam stepped away from me as he came up. He mouthed smile as he took my hand. I did a fake smile and Sam looked kinda sad. I could see that he knew it was fake. He looks at me than Brennen than me again.

"Got a problem Baby boy?" Brennen says

"No. Not at all." I could see Sam trying to stay calm.

"Are you sure??" Brennen says

"Yep, see you guys later." He says.

He walked away from us. He started giggling and than he told me too. We both were laughing but it sounds so fake. I saw Sam walk into the school, and ripped my hand away from Brennen.

"I said a day, Cutie."

"No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did."

He leaned in and I leaned back. I walked away from him but this time he took my hand and borught me to the bathroom. I relized that we were already late and this was worse. He slammed me aginst the wall.

"Brennen Sto-" I got cut off

I feel like I know what your feeling or maybe even what you want to think. This is a cliff hanger. I can still see me laughing in your face. Happy NEW YEAR!!!! It's ligit like an hour away till it's 2018 guys!!!! It's crazy that I have lived another year without dying, because I probably would have now. Ok that got sorta deep. That picture up there? I was there. I walked were Brennen and Colby walked. I was there. Ok now I'm bragging. Byeeee. My computer even corrects to colby when I write cole. 


(December 31, 2017)

Solby(don't know what the tittle should be)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin