Sam Pov

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My mom dragged me out of the room from Colby. Colby just finished his snack while my mom and I talked. She was telling me about how my dad had drunk so much vodka that he passed out on our coach around 1 am. That day he woke up at 11 am and went to go get ibreprophin (pain pills). He thought that 5 would be good so he took them. (Which it's not!)He waited for 3 minutes and his headache didn't go away. He didn't wait 30 minutes! So he took more and more. Mom finally came home and saw him laying on the floor. She called the police and told them everything that she told me. That's why she wasn't home.
* Weird transition thingy *
Now we're going to panda. I love Chinese food! I usually get fried rice and orange chicken, with a soda. When I go there I usually see Brennen and Corey sitting together. Or Brennen with a girl. I hope he isn't there. That would be bad.
Of course to my luck, there's Brennen,Corey and Elton.
"Hey SAMMY!!" Elton yells
I just wave and go to the line. I hear them talking about how I shouldn't be hanging out with a loser and laughing about what Elton had said.
"Hi, may I take your order?" She asked Colby.
He looked at me like, he didn't know what to get. I pointed to me and he nodded. Ok now I have to order for us both. I hope that's what he means.
"Hi, yes. Can he get the fried rice and chicken bowl. For me too." I cut in.
She looks at Colby and than back at me and than Colby again. He nods. Thank God, I knew what meant. Colby looks to me and smiles. I bet he's never gone to Panda. I hear the boys laughing about how I had to order for him. But I didn't mind. Finally my mom ordered hers and we all got drinks. I mouthed and pointed with my thumb to the door.
"To go"
She nodded her head to me and said it back and I nodded.
"Would you like here or To go mam." The lady said.
"To go, please"
The lady than gave us Fortune cookies and we all thanked her. As we walked out of the store I hear someone say
"Scared are you?"
With a following
Than tons of laughing. I close the door behind me. Not wanting to hear anymore. Thank God it's Friday. I turn to Colby and mouth
"You ok?"
He nodded again and mouthed
"Thank you"
"Who were those boys, in Panda Express?" my mom said.
I didn't know how to respond so I just say there names.
"Brennen, Corey and Elton." I say
"Why do they ring a bell?"
She says
I knew she would bring this up. I used to like Brennen in 8th grade and he found out over the summer of last year. He made fun of me for a short hour but than gave up. Nobody cared so it was pointless.
"I don't know mom." I said
She knew I had liked him. And I know because right after that she turned her head and winked at me. Good thing Colby didn't see. He was carrying his stuff and looking in the distance. I didn't want him to know I liked Brennen. At one point. Now he's just a jerk.
We get in the car and drive home with Panic at the Disco in the background. It was peaceful. It was quite but not awkward. A good quite. We arrive home and eat our food. I don't finish my rice because they always put way to much rice. (#relateble)Colby didn't finish either and mom just ate her meat. We all put our stuff in the fridge. It's about 7 pm and me and Colby head upstairs. We play some video games. Some meaning all video games. It was know 9 pm. I said to pick out a movie to Colby while I said 'night' to my mom. I run downstairs and see her with a glass of milk and a cookie. She's watching a random movie that's probably rated R.
"Night mom." I say as I sit next to her
"Night Sammy." She says
I get up but she pulls me back down.
"Do you like Colby? You're always looking at him. Please tell me you like him!!" She says in a whisper.
"Mom, I don't know. I just think he's cute but I'm not sure I like him." I say bearly above a breath.
"Ok sweetie. You know I'll always support you. And I made cookies and popcorn." She said smiling
I kissed on her on the cheek.
"Thanks Mom" I say
I run to the kitchen and see more than just popcorn and cookies. I see candy and soda too. I grab the soda and candy in one hand and in the other I put cookies in a bag and clutch the popcorn to my chest. I run up the stairs and put down the stuff. I see Colby with the movie and it seems like he doesn't know how to use it. I look at it.
Hunger Games
"Have you watched it?" I say
"No, but I've been told it's amazing. I don't know how to use the CD thing. I dont have one of those." He says

OMG I need to stop writing! My usual is 400 something this is over 900!! That's crazy! Now I'm writing this on my phone and I usually use my computer. It feels weird so if there is a mistake write it in the comments.
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Wait wrong website.
Ok I'mma go now.🍿🙌 🍪

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