Chapter 46

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All was right in Starlin's head.

She could now hear everyone's thoughts clearly. Well, except for Ferin, of course.

Starlin was sitting in her special space in the astral plane, devising a plan to stop Ferin from killing them all.

Ferin was all Haggar had left. The rest of them posed a threat against her. In order to stop them, the hybrids needed to somehow use their gifts together.

That was the hard part.


Pidge angrily tapped away at his computer.

He was mad.

Mad at Kipper for trying to kiss him.

But also mad at himself for wishing it had happened.

What the hell is wrong with me?

He didn't know why, but he wanted Kipper to kiss him. To hold him as he smirked against his lips.

Get it together, Pidge,  you're losing it.


"I guess we start training them to work alongside Voltron."

Shiro nodded along to what Coran was saying. "The Hybrid Unit will have to be fully functional in order to take down Ferin."

"That's going to be difficult", Allura said, "They all have different strengths and weaknesses."

"That's why they're each paired up with the paladin that suits them the most. They will help the hybrids become stronger, more efficient in battle."

"I don't know if I want to see Azalea stronger-", Coran muttered under his breath.

I was going to give this series up. I really was. It sucks ass in my opinion.

But a good friend convinced me to continue.

So expect more updates!

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