Chapter 23

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His tiny fists banged against the walls.

Then he gave up, and slouched to the floor. His face tucked into his knees.

A whirring sound filled the room.

He wanted his sister.

He wanted her to hold him.

But she bent to Ferin's overpowering will.

He braced himself for the searing pain that was expected.

But nothing happened.

To his surprise-  and great relief-   the whirring sound had stopped all together.

When he looked up, he met the face of a little girl.

She looked up into her older brother's eyes.

"You can do this", he reassured her, "You're my baby sis. A DiNicolo."

She nodded.

Kipper pressed his hand to the panel, ancient words passing quietly through his lips. A dark circle appeared under his fingertips,  shutting down the machine.

Delilah knew what she had to do.

Time was running short.

She ran into the execution chamber and straight to the little boy inside.

The little boy looked up at her.

He had the prettiest eyes she'd ever seen.
A rich emerald green.

"Are you Peter Brandon?"

The little boy nodded in response to her question.

They ran out and into the corridor, where they were met with Galra soldiers.

Without second thought,  Delilah slammed her little hand onto the ground, palm first.

The soldiers all began to twitch and collapse before they reached the children.

Delilah grinned in triumph, her dark eyes shining from under her ebony curls.


Peter Brandon screamed.

Delilah hadn't noticed the squadron that was sneaking up behind them.

Now they were caught.

One soldier had the screaming boy tightly grasped in his hands, two others had Delilah by her arms.

The soldiers laughed at the children disdainfully.
"Time for the misbehaving children to go see Mistress Haggar", one hissed.

The lights in the hall flickered.

Only Delilah seemed to notice,  and she smirked in response.

"Hey you!", a soldier barked at her.
"Get that shit-eating smile off your face!"

He reached back to strike her.

As soon as his hand connected with her head, the corridor fell in silence.

The squadron looked around, fear suddenly filling their eyes.

A deep sound,  like a raspy growl, filled the air and shook them to the marrow of their bones.

"What is that?", one hissed in demand.

"KipKip", Delilah boasted.

Before the soldiers could ask further, they both fell dead to the ground, blasted in the head.

A dark shadow leaped out of the wall and attacked the soldier that held Peter Brandon hostage.

The soldier's neck snapped all the way around in an eerie and horrifying way. 

More soldiers rushed into the hall, but they all fell dead to the shadowy figure with blasters in both of his hands.

All with a single, well-aimed shot directly to the forehead.

Delilah grabbed her baby cousin's hand and dragged him to the escape pods, with Shadow closely behind them.

Peter Brandon was stowed away in one, sent to Earth.

Delilah gripped the ends of her dress nervously.

Kipper leaned into the doorway,  ruffling her curly hair.

"I'll get you soon", he promised, kissing her gently on the forehead.

She nodded.

He closed the pod and sent her away.

Off on a journey all alone.

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