Chapter 34

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There was no use. She couldn't hear him over the sound of her own screaming mixed with the screaming of the burning man in the corner.

Lance's hand flew towards his mouth at the sight in front of him.

A little boy, dead on the ground.

This must've set her off.

I've never seen her so... Open.


A little psychotic if I might add.

A whimper.

Lance dove and put his ear close to the boy's mouth.

The little boy was still breathing.

"STAR!", Lance started screaming, "He's alive!"

She payed him no mind.


He knew it wasn't really Peter, but Starlin's sanity was in a totally different dimension at that point.

It worked. Starlin whipped around and grabbed them both, hurtling the three out of the apartment.

Lance clung onto the boy as she carried them away over the buildings.

He was shocked to see her usual stone face so shattered, tears streaming down over the grimace she wore.

Something struck a nerve so suddenly with her.

This proves that even the strongest soldiers aren't the last ones standing.

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