Chapter 2

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"Happy birthday, guys!"

Azalea and Piflin grinned.

Piflin was seven now, and since he had just recently become an orphan and Azalea couldn't remember her Earth birthday, she decided to have hers with him.

She was turning eighteen. Now the same age as Keith, or at least until his birthday again.

Hunk made celebratory muffins for the occasion. Everyone reminded him not to leave the hybrids unattended in the kitchen ever again.
Allura couldn't handle another food fight between Starlin and Skipper.

Kipper... He just stayed in the background. Ocasionally he would burst out laughing or crack a joke in his booming voice with Lance, but other than that he was a pretty quiet teen.

He mostly lingered around Piflin in sort of a brotherly way. The time spent on Vian's ship certainly had brought them closer. The little Prince mostly relied on him and the other hybrids for comfort.

They were a family now.  Almost complete.


The coordinates to retrive Peter Brandon and Delilah from Earth were already set.

Everyone, including the Paladins, was ecstatic. All around the table, paladins shoved muffins into their mouths, telling the Galra-raised hybrids stories of Earth.

But Pidge occasionally looked up from his laptop at the newest hybrid.

Kipper leaned against the wall in the corner behind everyone else, blankly staring off into space with a cup of nunvil in his thin hand.

To Pidge, he seemed a bit standoffish. Something about the Hispanic boy was too secretive behind the jokes he cracked.

Maybe he had a rough childhood like the rest of the Galra-raised hybrids. But even with that factor added, something still didn't seem right about him.

Pidge never noticed himself staring, until Kipper's eyes flicked to the side and caught his gaze.

The hybrid's intensely dark eyes held the Paladin's in an almost hypnotic way.

Then he smiled. It was a sort of mocking, charismatic smirk. A smirk that nearly all of the hybrids had.

The spell broke when the hybrid boy returned his focus to the celebration.

Pidge, just a bit rustled, straightened his glasses.

He's weird.

Weirder than most, even for a hybrid.

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