Chapter 6

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"Pidge is working on repairs to the Castle."


Keith looked down at Azalea, who was bundled in blankets like a baby in his arms. He was holding onto her so she wouldn't float away.

"Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?", he asked her.

"You're the one that keeps talking", she giggled.
"I can't sleep anyways."

"You need to."

Azalea rolled her eyes playfully, elbowing Keith in the knee.
"So do you!"

Keith chuckled, and held her tighter.

He was lucky.

His inflicted stab wound barely missed her heart.

She was lucky to be alive.

But now they were going back to Earth.

For Azalea, it was the first time in seven years.

She never thought she would make it.

Home. Finally.

Starlin stretched with Lance on the floor.

Or more accurately, Starlin was stretching and Lance was whining.

Allura stormed into the room.
The Altean Princess's eyes were wide with concern.

Starlin quietly stood up.

"What's going on?", she asked, her voice stone cold and even as usual.

Allura informed the two, and Shiro who was doing pushups, that Ferin's fleet were gaining towards Earth. They needed to travel via wormhole.

"Now!", Allura ordered, "To the pilot's bay! Now! Move!


Shiro faced his team.

"Training will be cut short. In order to find the children quickly, we'll have to split up."

He motioned to Hunk, Lance, and their hybrid partners.
"You four will go to New York City for Delilah."

Hunk and Lance cheered. New York sounded fun to them.

Starlin, however, had a cross look on her face.

"What about my brother?!", she protested loudly, "I want to find him!"

Coran gently rested a hand on the distressed girl's shoulder.
"Your emotions might jeopardize the mission", he explained to her sympathetically.

"Keith, Pidge, I need you and the rest to go to Seattle."

The four nodded.

They all split up to head to the lions.

Heading to the Black Lion, Shiro was worried about Pidge and Kipper.

He didn't know how well they would work together. Kipper might be volatile, or him and Pidge could simply not get along.

Was it safe? No. No mission is completely safe.

But it was their only option.


Hunk and Skipper flew right above Earth's atmosphere.

"My brother already disabled their security", she said. The dark girl pursed her lips in anticipation.

"We'll need to land outside of the city", Hunk said.
"Even if it's nighttime, we still can't hide Yellow in New York."

"I'm on it. Just follow me."

Skipper put a slick metal helmet over her head and wavy black hair.

She opened the hatch and skillfully dove face first out of the Yellow Lion.

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