Chapter 20

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Azalea couldn't remember why the mention of an adoption center bothered her.

Maybe it was because I'm adopted?

But I was found in mom's azalea garden, so I never really went to a center.

Azalea fiddled with her fingers as her and Keith waited in the lobby.

Her surroundings melted away into a vast darkness of twinkling stars.

"Any additional information?"

"Not yet", Azalea replied to her little sister.

"How's the wound?", Starlin asked. The Princess knelt beside the wheelchair.

"Doesn't really hurt anymore."

"Have you seen him? Are you okay?"

Azalea pressed her lips together, furrowing her brows.
"Him?", she asked, "Who are you talking about?"

The starry landscape faded away before Starlin could respond.

"Mr Kogane? Mr Korraine will see you now."

Azalea's heart seemed to stop beating for a moment.

She suddenly remembered who worked at the Seattle adoption center.

Keith wheeled her into the office.

A dark brunette man sat behind the desk. Bright jade eyes focused on her.

The sight of him made Azalea shake.

Keith grabbed her hand, not exactly a hug, but enough to help calm her.

The man chuckled.

"Sorry for staring", he apologized to Azalea, "You just remind me of someon-"


Mr Korraine halted in his tracks.

"It can't be...", he muttered.

"I haven't seen you since you and Mom divorced."

Mr Korraine.

The man who found infant Azalea among the flowers. The one who protectively watched over her wellbeing until he and Diane divorced when she was nine.

He rushed around the desk to hug his daughter tightly.

"Azalea Violet", he gasped.
"You were missing for years. I couldn't believe when Diana and Marina went missing.  You were gone too. I spent years... Years trying to find you. You're so pale now... What happened?!"

Azalea cried into her adoptive father's shoulder.
"They're gone dad... I'm the only one who made it out."

Mr Korraine's jade eyes fell on the gloved hand that gripped Azalea's.

"And who are you?", he asked Keith snarkily.

"Her significant other", Keith replied bluntly.
"We need your help, sir."

"With what? Is it"- he leaned in closer to the two- "The aliens? I saw you fall from the sky as a baby, Zales. I know you aren't completely human."

She told him about Ferin, and about her little brother.

Mr Korraine leaned back in his chair.
"What's his name, again?"

"Peter Brandon DiNicolo."

"Oooh boy", the man chuckled nervously, "That one. Poor kid was sent to seven different foster homes in less than three months. Every family made while claims that he was possessed by a demon and needed a church immediately. It doesn't say in our files where the kid's at now. It's classified."

Azalea turned to Keith.
"Lets go see how Pidge and Kipper are doing."

Keith stood up and rolled her chair out of the door.

Mr Korraine followed.

Azalea wanted to leave.

She killed his firstborn daughter.
She couldn't look him in the eye.


She slightly turned her head to blow a kiss to her dad.

"Promise... Promise me you'll visit? I've missed you desperately."

"I-...... I promise, Dad."

"Take care of her, Mr Kogane."

"I will sir."

Azalea slowly left the building, teary-eyed.

A part of her wanted to stay and talk. To hug her father and never let go.

But the sensible side of her reminded her that her little brother was in danger.

I'll see you again someday, Dad.


I apologize for how bad this chapter was.

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