Chapter 41

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Sunlight beamed brightly onto his face.

The grass was covered in light dew, casting a scent into the air that mingled with the scent of the flowers.

Kipper groaned, shielding his face from the light with his hand.

Crap, I fell asleep outside.

He shifted a bit, then he hit his head on something beside him.

A hazelnut-colored head was asleep beside him. Kipper's shoulder was curled inwards, positioning him to where they were practically cuddling.

Kipper blinked again. His eyes adjusted to the blinding sunlight.

"Came out to check on me, eh?", he quietly asked Pidge. He gently ruffled the other boy's hair.

Kipper adjusted the goggles on top of his head and stood up, stretching.

He picked up the wine bottle from the ground and started back towards the house.

I'm going to finally get this makeup off.


A few hours later, Keith stumbled downstairs just as Pidge stumbled inside.

"Put on a shirt Keith", Pidge groaned, slouching into a chair.

Keith grumbled inaudibly.
"I just want breakfast, give me a break."

Right around that moment, Kipper slid down the staircase railing. He was in his normal attire now, and had even trimmed his hair down to an undercut.
His eyes shone brighter than usual, mischief hiding behind his black irises.

"Wow, you look good for once", Pidge said.

Kipper smirked, "Awe, you gave me a compliment! Thanks Shorty!"

"Stop flirting", Keith mumbled.


"We aren't flirting!"

Azalea floated into the room, a few belongings packed away in a duffel bag.
"C'mon guys!", she ushered, "Coran is waiting for us! And Keith, put a shirt on, there's a kid in the room!"

Peter Brandon stuck his tongue out.

Keith groaned.
"Can I eat something human-made before we go back to goo diets?"

"Fine. But hurry please."

Shiro counted how many people were with them.

Starlin. Skipper. Lance. Hunk.
Piflin. Delilah. And the add-along kid who he forgot his name.

"Do we have to go yet", Piflin whined. Lance chimed in with the whining.

Shiro adjusted his collar.
"We have to get to our lions now. Allura is waiting for us."

Hunk paused. The boy eyed Shiro carefully.


"What's in your jacket?"

The older man straightened his posture.
"I don't know what you mean", he lied.

Lance pointed at him.
"Shiro, unzip your jacket."

"Wait why-"

"You know I'm not afraid to do it myself, so it's better for you to just come clean."

Shiro slowly unzipped his jacket, giving in.

Everyone burst into cahoots as several sticks of black eyeliner fell out of Shiro's open jacket.

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