Chapter 10

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Maybe being a stowaway on the Blue Lion wasn't the best idea.

Now he was lost and alone, on a chair in a field of people.

Piflin had never felt so lonely before.

Then there she was.

She was his height. Curly black hair poofed out from under a green cap. Wide, dark eyes peered curiously at him over a tan nose that was speckled with dark freckles.

The girl reached up and tugged her scarf down.

"Are you okay?", she asked quietly. Small clouds of breath formed from where her breath parted her lips.

Piflin nodded solemnly.
"I'm supposed to be looking for someone with my friends", he explained timidly, "But I forgot her name...And I'm lost..."

"Do you want a pretzel?"

Her question, so simply, threw Piflin off.


The little girl beamed a dazzling smile.
"A pretzel! Miss Genevive is taking us to the pretzel stand! Do you wanna come? I can help find your friends!"

Piflin grinned for the first time on the human planet. He hopped off of the chair with no hesitation.

The dark-haired girl fit her hand into Piflin's.
"Miss Genevieve says that New York is scary, and we all hold hands so we don't get lost!"

They walked across the field of statues and humans, to where a woman was leading a group of children.

"What's your name?"


"Hi Piflin! I'm gonna be your new friend! My name's Delilah!"


A seven year-old found her faster than the paladins



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