Chapter 6

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The first round had started and it is a real fight. Hasook blasted some water at the earth bender. The fire bender came to the rescue of his teammate and shot a couple of rounds of orange flames at Hasook, driving him back.

Bolin trips over Hasook. They both get an overdose of water, pushing them back to the end of zone two, almost crossing the line.

Mako fights off the other member from the badgermoles, water, and kicks him to zone two. The water bender tries to do a fancy kick of water but ends up tripping and falling into zone three. The other two seethe with frustration.

Bolin and Hasook are up again and fighting with ferocity. You look away for only a second and you see the Fire Ferrets gained land to zone two.

You can't help yourself and cheer. You find yourself chanting the teammembers' names. You felt ridiculous when it came to Mako's.

Soon round two started, the Ferrets won the first round but their luck changed. Hasook triped over Mako, pushing Bolin, causing him to fall into zone two.

The crowd has gone haywire! The screams were growing and movment was stirring. The Badgermoles pummeled them relentlessly, forcing them to scoot back slowly to the next zone.

Bolin tried to stop their attacks with the earth plates provided but his attempts was futile.

Hasook got the upper hand and knocked down the three oppents. Mako had sent them a couple of fire punches of his own. Bolin shot up and threw the discs at what seemed to be full strength.

They all were tired, and bruised, they probably even feel like dying right now but their faces were set with determination.

You feel your voice faltering, you were screeching loudly for the whole time you watched.

You looked around for a water dispenser. There was none. You let out a coarse sigh.

Your throat was aching but you didn't want to miss the match.

The Badgermoles were soon kicked off the ring and all falling into the water.

You look around the room again and spotted it hidden from your view where you were first standing.

You gulped down the cold water with greed.

Sorry, readers! I was on winter break and didn't want to be away from the family. Now I'm back! :) Sorry- - again- - for the short chapter. More will come your way soon. Happy Late Holidays and Late New Year!!! :)

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