Chapter 34

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Your POV

A few days later pass and no one knew how you and Jinora became very ill.

You finished a coughing fit and drank another cup of tea. "Jinora," you croak. "We should've never done that." You turn to her.

She looks back at you. "Yeah, but it was so fun!" She attempts to laugh but it turns into a cough.

Pema rushes in. "Girls! You can't be talking! You have to rest!" She scolds as she replaces the tea.

"I can't even see how this happened! You guys stayed inside during that one storm!" She whispers to herself as she leaves to tend to a screeching Milo.


Weeks later

You were up and running again. Your bond with Jinora had grew from the sick days.

You hadn't seen Mako or Bolin for a long time. But there next match is today. You tighten your hair into a braid and finished getting ready. You catch the ferry to the get back to the mainland.

Your heart was beating fast at the sight of Mako. The last time you seen him was....

...... it's been so long since you were with him, you forgot what you were doing.

——Flash Back——

"Yeah. I'll see you later. Make sure you get a good night's rest." He waves a goodbye. You bid him off as well. You watch him walk down the steps until you could barely make out his figure in the dark.


You shook your head in attempt to get rid of the sudden burning sensation in your cheeks. The last time you saw him was when he told you that he wanted Hasook to quit. You smile to yourself, thinking back to your substitute day.

You enter the building and bought a ticket for the game. You settle down in the frount row on the FireFerrets side. You lean back in your chair waiting f9r the game to start.

Yo hear yelling in the break room where your team was located. "Hasook! It's just a match! I'm sure your hair will get soaked anyways, no one will see the frizziness." It was Mako's voice.

Your heart skips a beat. What are they talking about? "Mako, shut up! Say what you really want to say to me! I don't think that my hair situation is the real problem!" Hasook fires back.

"Ferrets! You're on!" A staff member shouts, breaking the fight. You felt awkward looking at the grumbling trio as the machine carried them to the ring. They all tried to be happy for the cheering crowd, but it was obvious of their true emotions.

Mako spots you in the crowd and tenses. He flashes a charming smile and a big wave. He nudged Bolin and gestured toward you, saying something. Bolin looks over and gasps. "Hi, (Y/n)!" He screams. You laugh and wave back.

A/n: I'm sorry for being inactive! I had to focus on finals in school but they are finally over. I'm also struggling to remember what happens, my video player isn't working so I can't rewatch the series.

If some one can contact me on what happens in the first part(Korra's entrance and etc.) I would greatly appreciate it.

Hopefully I can get inspired soon to write longer chapters.

Thank you for reading my story. Don't forget to vote and comment.

And if there is no updates in the future, it's safe to assume that I'm busy with school. Although, I will try my hardest to update every Saturday.

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