I AM BACK....super sorry :(

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I am very very very very^10000000000000 sorry guys!!!!!! I have been through a lot. And I have been having constant lack of motivation :( 

But, I finally got a computer! So I'm 95% sure I'll will be motivated to continue. Your comments do make me smile and motivate me to continue on. 

I hope I can finish the next chapter by Saturday..... 

Like I said, there have been a lot of stuff happening--  I discovered that I am nonbinary so if you do refer to me, please use the name Del and they/them pronouns :) I will be changing my @ to enbyenvy tomorrow (it said something about my stories might be unaccessible and I want every body to know what's going on. 

In another note (it may seem geeky or whatever), but I got League of Legends! My username is shy3nby . If you guys are interested in playing with me (I'm not good--literally only play the intro co-op 😂 ) 

Once again, I can't thank you enough or apologize for leaving this story untouched in possibly YEARS now. Thank you for your support, I hope I will do the next chapters justice! 

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